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员工培训管理系统 第10页

更新时间:2009-3-30:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训管理系统 第10页
Private Sub cmdReturn_Click()                                 ’设置返回             
myModiStudent.rsDK1 "SELECT * FROM student_info"
'If Not myModiStudent.rs1.EOF Then
   Set StudentGrid.DataSource = myModiStudent.rs1
   StudentGrid.FormatString = " | 编号|  姓名|性别| 出生日期 |部门| 联系电话| 就职时间|  家庭住址  |    注释"
'End If
End Sub

Private Sub Cmdsave_Click()                             ’保存按钮命令
If txtstudentName.Text = Empty Then             ’ 设置各种输入为空出错提示
    MsgBox "请输入姓名!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
End If

If cboClass.Text = Empty Then
    MsgBox "请选择部门!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
End If
If cboSex.Text = Empty Then
    MsgBox "请选择性别!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
End If
If txtStudentId.Text = Empty Then
    MsgBox "请输入员工号!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
End If

If txtBirth.Text = Empty Then
    MsgBox "请输入出生日期!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
ElseIf Not IsDate(txtBirth) Then                     ’设置各种非有效值出错
    MsgBox "出生日期不是有效日期,请重新输入.", vbInformation, "提示"
    txtBirth.Text = "____-__-__"
    Exit Sub
ElseIf Format(txtBirth.Text, "yyyy/mm/dd") > Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd") Then
    MsgBox "出生日期不能大于今日,请重新输入!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
ElseIf Format(txtBirth.Text, "yyyy/mm/dd") < Format(#1/1/1900#, "yyyy/mm/dd") Then
    MsgBox "生出日期不能小于1900年,请重新输入!", vbInformation, "提示"
    txtBirth.Text = "____-__-__"
    Exit Sub
End If
If txtInDate.Text = Empty Then
    MsgBox "请输入就职时间!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsDate(txtInDate) Then
    MsgBox "就职时间不是有效日期,请重新输入!", vbInformation, "提示"
    txtInDate.Text = "____-__-__"
    Exit Sub
ElseIf Format(txtBirth.Text, "yyyy/mm/dd") > Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd") Then
    MsgBox "就职日期不能大于今日,请重新输入!", vbInformation, "提示"
    txtInDate.Text = "____-__-__"
    Exit Sub
ElseIf Format(txtInDate.Text, "yyyy/mm/dd") < Format(#1/1/1900#, "yyyy/mm/dd") Then
    MsgBox "就职日期不能小于1900年,请重新输入!", vbInformation, "提示"
    txtInDate.Text = "____-__-__"
    Exit Sub
End If

If txtTel.Text = Empty Then
    If MsgBox("联系电话是否为空?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "提示") = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
        txtTel.Text = "无"
    End If
End If
If txtAdd.Text = Empty Then
    MsgBox "请输入家庭地址!", vbInformation, "提示"
    Exit Sub
End If
If txtcomment.Text = Empty Then
    txtcomment.Text = "无"
End If

If cmdSave.Caption = "保存(&S)" Then
myModiStudent.rsDK1 "select * from student_Info where student_id='" & txtStudentId.Text & "'"
 If Not myModiStudent.rs1.EOF Then
        MsgBox "id已存在,请重新输入!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "提示"
        txtStudentId.Text = ""
        Exit Sub
    End If
  With myModiStudent.rs1                             ’添加指向表的数据集
        !student_id = txtStudentId.Text               ’输入信息存入数据集
        !student_name = txtstudentName.Text
        !student_sex = cboSex.Text
        !Birth_date = txtBirth.Text
        !depart = cboClass.Text
        !tele_number = txtTel.Text
        !in_date = txtInDate.Text
        !address = txtAdd.Text
        !comment = txtcomment.Text
        .Update                                      ’更新保存
   End With

   Set StudentGrid.DataSource = myModiStudent.rs1  ’设置指向数据源的数据集
   StudentGrid.FormatString = " | 编号|  姓名|性别| 出生日期 |部门| 联系电话| 就职时间|  家庭住址  |    注释"
    MsgBox "信息已成功添加!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "员工信息添加"
    Frame2.Enabled = False
    cmdAdd.Caption = "添加(&A)"
    cmdSave.Caption = "保存(&S)"
    cmdSave.Enabled = False
    cmdDel.Enabled = False
   myModiStudent.rsDK1 "select * from student_info where student_id='" & txtStudentId.Text & "'"
     With myModiStudent.rs1
        !student_id = txtStudentId.Text
        !student_name = txtstudentName.Text
        !student_sex = cboSex.Text
        !Birth_date = txtBirth.Text
        !depart = cboClass.Text
        !tele_number = txtTel.Text
        !in_date = txtInDate.Text
        !address = txtAdd.Text
        !comment = txtcomment.Text
        .Update                                  ’成功保存数据
    End With
    MsgBox "信息已成功更新!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "员工信息添加"
    Frame2.Enabled = False
    cmdSave.Caption = "保存(&S)"
    cmdAdd.Caption = "添加(&A)"
    cmdSave.Enabled = False
    cmdDel.Enabled = False                         
    End If

StudentGrid.FormatString = " | 编号|  姓名|性别| 出生日期 |部门| 联系电话| 就职时间|  家庭住址  |    注释"
myModiStudent.rsDK1 "SELECT * FROM student_info"
   Set StudentGrid.DataSource = myModiStudent.rs1
End Sub
Private Sub StudentGrid_Click()                 ’点击列表框的任何数据时将其导出输入控件
    myModiStudent.rsDK1 "SELECT * FROM student_info"
   If Not myModiStudent.rs1.EOF Then
    Frame2.Enabled = True
    Change = False
    txtstudentName.Text = StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 2)
    cboClass.Text = StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 5)
    txtStudentId.Text = StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 1)
    cboSex.Text = StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 3)
    txtBirth.Text = Format(StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 4), "yyyy-mm-dd")
    txtTel.Text = StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 6)
    txtInDate.Text = Format(StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 7), "yyyy-mm-dd")
    txtAdd.Text = StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 8)
    txtcomment.Text = StudentGrid.TextMatrix(StudentGrid.Row, 9)
    cmdSave.Caption = "更新(&U)"
    cmdAdd.Caption = "添加(&A)"
    cmdDel.Enabled = True
    cmdSave.Enabled = True  
    End If
End sub
EnPrivate Sub txtAdd_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)     ’回车激发添加按钮
If KeyAscii = 39 Then KeyAscii = 0
If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtcomment.SetFocus
End Sub

Private Sub txtBirth_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtTel.SetFocus
End Sub

Private Sub txtBirth_LostFocus()
txtBirth.Text = Format(txtBirth.Text, "yyyy/mm/dd")

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