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更新时间:2009-4-15:  来源:毕业论文

HTML Tutorial - PrefaceHtml is one of the easiest languages to learn. This tutorial will explain how to write Html webpages, what Html is, and how to program in Html. Html stands for HyperText Markup Laguage.The only use for Html is for writing web pages. A web page is really a program, only a very simple one. What is easy about HTML is that: 1. There is no compiling, and 2. It is simple coding only. There are no functions, loops. "Bugs" are almost impossible to make and easy to fix.
To use Html, you can of course use an Html wizard program which would defeat the whole purpose of this tutorial, or you can use a simple text editor, save the text as an .htm file (or .html for a Macintosh), and view it with your browser, such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. This tutorial is being written in ordinary Notepad, so you don't need anything special.
If you do not already have a web browser, you can download: Netscape at www.751com.cnMSIE at www.751com.cn

HTML Tutorial - Chapter 1 Tags, and the Skeleton Layout

Before anything, HTML is written in tags. Tags are like the command words that make up the language. A tag is written like this: <tag>. An example tag would be <bold>, <html>, <title>, <hr> and others. The entire code is made up mostly of tags, tags tell the web page what to do. Sometimes a tag starts something, like for instance <bold> will make all the text after it turn bold. Or <title> will make anything after it become the title. But in some instances, like section tags, you will need to end a tag. For example, say you use a <bold> tag before a text. That's all fine and well, but everything after the bold tag will become bold. The entire page. You may only want to make one world bold. Therefor you must "end" a tag which will stop it's actions. To stop a tag you use this format: <\tag> For example: <bold>This is bold!</bold> This isn't! You'll learn more about other tags in the chapters to come.
  One good thing about HTML is that it always follows one layout. The following layout is an entire Html web page:

<title>This is the Title!</title>
Welcome to my Web-Page!

This is the basic code, called a skeleton layout. You should always start your Html code in that way. Now lets explain some of the tags. The tags you saw in the example are used only once usually. Here is just an explanation of the layout tags. Each tag in the skeleton layout starts or ends a section. A section in Html declares when a certain part of the Html code is beginning.
<html> - Starts the Html section. (Begins the page)
<head> - Starts the Header section.
<title>This is the Title!</title> - Starts (and ends) the title section.
<body> - Starts the Body section. (Main part of page)
</body> - Ends the Body section.
</html> - Ends the page.

The Html section contains the entire code. The Header section contains the Title section, and some other stuff. The title section contains the text that goes in the title bar at the top of the browser window, like "'Welcome to My Page!' -Netscape." The body section is the main part of the page that contains all the text that appears in the page.

HTML Tutorial - Chapter 2  Body Attributes

The Body tag has more to it than just <body>. The <body> tag also controls the color of the page text, the background of the page, and others. An attribute to any tag (in this instance, it will be the <body> tag) is an extra keyword that can be set inside the tag that allows for certain things to be set.
To set a body attribute, like the background of the page, you simply include the option in the <body> tag and what it is set to.


<body BGCOLOR="blue" text="black" link="yellow" alink="green"

There are a few body attributes that you will learn for now. Background, text, link, and active link.
The Background is controlled with either BGCOLOR="color" or

If the Background you want is a solid color, like black, blue, white, red, etc, you use the BGCOLOR option. BGCOLOR accepts BGCOLOR="blue" (a color name), or BGCOLOR="Hexadecimal number."

A Hex number can do more variant colors, such as gold, turquoise, navy blue, and most other colors, while just typing a color name like blue or white is limited to simple colors. A few simple colors are blue, white, black, green, yellow, orange.... Mostly first, secondary, and tertiary colors. The BACKGROUND option is for if you want to use a picture as a background. You must use the URL of the picture, like:
<body BACKGROUND="www.751com.cn">
Graphics in any web page must be in either GIF (.gif) or JPEG (.jpg) format. The next option is text. Text is the color of all normal text in the page. It follows this format: text="color" or text="hexnumber." This follows the same routine as in
Background; a color name will accept simple colors, a hex number can do more exotic colors.
The next option is link. This is the color of all links on the page. It's format is the same as the text option.
The next is alink. This is the color of a link that is being clicked on. For example, if
there is a link to www.751com.cn and you click on it, until you let go, that link
will turn to the alink color. It follows the same format as the text option.
The last option you will learn is vlink. Vlink sets the color of all links that have been visited in the past. It follows the same format as the text option.
NOTE: If you leave out an option in the Body tag, it will be set to a default color.

HTML Tutorial - Chapter 3 Text Tags

Now that you've learned body options, you can now learn how to add text to the body section, and how to make it look FuNkY! Before, you learned a little about tags and how they work. Tags are important to text because they can change the way text looks, and acts. Lets take a look at an example to learn a few basic tags.

<title>Text Example</title>
<body BGCOLOR="black" text="white">
<p>This is my first, ordinary paragraph.
<p><b>This is my second, bold paragraph.</b>
<p><i>This is my third, italics paragraph.</i>
<p><u>This is my fourth, underlined paragraph.</u>
<p><blink>This is my fifth, BlInKiNg paragraph.</blink>
<center>This is my last, centered paragraph.</center>

The <p> tag stands for paragraph. It starts text on a new line. Without <p>, all the text would be in one line and wrapped around, and it would look pretty messed up.
In the second paragraph, there was a <b> (or <bold> for full) tag. Bold makes all text inside of it become bolder. As you learned before, some tags need to be ended. This is one of them. If you didn't end a bold tag, everything after the <b> would be bold, even text that you didn't want to be bold. To end a tag (stop what a tag is going, use this format: </tagname>. Thus, to end a bold tag, you use </bold> (or for short, </b>).
<i> stands for Italics. Anything after <i> and before </i> will become italic, or slanted.
<u> stands for underlined. Anything after <u> and before <u> is underlined.
<center> sets the alignment for text. You could also center text by using <p
align="center">Centered Text</p>, but <center> is a lot easier. Center makes text
go in the center of the screen.
You can also use:

<p align="left">This sets alignment to the left.</p>
<p align="right">This sets alignment to the right of the screen.</p>

NOTE: If you use <p> option, like to set alignment, in order to stop it's effect you must end it, by using </p>.
<blink> makes text blink repeatedly. Be careful not to overdo the blink tag, as it can tend to get very annoying. Here are a few more text tags with brief explanations. You can experiment with
<tt> - Teletype
<pre> - Predefined. HTML usually ignores extra spaces which can be bad for
documents which depend on independent formatting.
<big> - Makes text generally big.
<small> - Hm...
<s> - Strikethrough, makes a horizontal line through the center of the selection.
<su> - Superscript.
<font> - Controls font, and can also make text bigger than possible with just <h1>.
I.e. <font face="Fontname"> or <font size="7"> <font color="color"> <font
color="#hexcol">. <font face=""> means the actual font, like Courier.

It is also possible to combine tags on text. For example:
<i><b><u>This is slanted, bold, and underlined!</i></b></u>
Now you will learn how to change the size of text. It follows the same format of <bold> or <italics>; <tag>Modified text</endtag>, and they too can be combined with <bold> <italics> or whatever as a combination:

<title>Text Sizes</title>
<body BGCOLOR="black" text="white">
<p><h1>This is HUGE!</h1>
<p><h2>This is big.</h2>
<p><h3>This is a little large.</h3>
<p><h4>This is normal.</h3>
<p><h5>This is quite small.</h5>
<p><h6>This is TINY.</h6>

To modify text size, as you saw, the tag is <h(1-6)>Text</h(1-6). Text sizes range from 1 to 6, 1 huge, 6 tiny. These tags can be combined with <bold> or <italic> or what have you, so that you could get a huge, bold, italic, and underlined text.
A few tags don't modify text, but they do put something into the body, such as a line. To put a line, which can nicely seperate a section on your page, like if you had a table of contents and a story paragraph. To put in a line, use <hr> anywhere you want. Example: 339

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