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房地产信息管理系统 第2页

更新时间:2009-5-5:  来源:毕业论文
房地产信息管理系统 第2页
系统基于B/S模式,利用jsp及MyEclipse 6.0工具,采用MVC多层应用的开发方法和步骤,结合Ajax、JavaScript、MySQL数据库设计与管理、CSS页面布局等相关知识和技巧,基本实现了系统的各项功能,满足了用户的要求。

关键词:龙鑫房地产;信息管理系统;MyEclipse 6.0;MySQL 5.0;MVC三层架构;JSP技术 
Long-sin real estate information management system

  (Grade 2004, Information and Computing Science, College of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Chongqing T)

Abstract:Graduation designed for a real estate company, to achieve the development of Web-based information management company, to promote their business activities and internal management. Systems development thinking and follow the software engineering technology, the system's needs analysis stage, through field research and information enquiries, fully aware of user needs, reflected the company business processes and information needs of the data flow charts and data dictionary in the system design stage, Design concept model of the system, get the corresponding relations between the models and data sheets. According to system processing requirements, has the function of the system design, including the system before the background of functional design, corporate culture, News, Company News, the event display, online exchange, and project management, sales management and personnel management in the detailed design And implementation phase, the exchange of personnel management and online functions of the two codes, and integration mode, and on the current logged-on user's password editing and file management and user rights management query, add, edit and delete functions. Basic to the user's requirements.
System is based on B / S model, using jsp and MyEclipse 6.0 tool, using MVC multi-application development methods and steps, with Ajax, JavaScript, MySQL database design and management, CSS page layout, and other related knowledge and skills to achieve the basic system The various functions to meet the user's requirements.

Key words:  The Long-sin Real Estate;Information Management System;MyEclipse 6.0;MySQL 5.0; MVC three-tier;JSP

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