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更新时间:2009-5-19:  来源:毕业论文



关键字:网站 、ASP、BBS
Network BBS Forum System

With the development of Internet, website become more and more importance, it is called the fifth medium——Digital media after broadcast, newspaper, magazine, and TV. . It has many advantages, so many business enterprises have own website, she has been one way that people understand the business enterprise. At the same time because of the recovery of the Internet industry, such as the development of website, Network forum system and so on.
This thesis introduce the process of the Network forum system’s designing way. Beginning with the importance of the Network forum system, it introduces the related technique in dynamic web pages, such as ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP and their differences. At second, detailead introduce why the Network forum system to adope the technique of ASP and the language of SQL. Then explain the creation process of whole system with design the way of thinking. At third,the Network forum system has three greatest techniques of the special features combined with code. Finally it talks about the insight of the website at design process, and future development of the Network forum system.
Key words:  Website 、ASP、BBS393

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