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更新时间:2009-6-5:  来源:毕业论文

Equipment information management system of southwest forestry college of design and development
Abstract: The second half period of the 20th centuries is the age with the fast economy developing and the continuous information changing. The information and the network technique also get the substantial development with the great premise of science technique fast developing. And the calculator and the network technique is implicating in all fields of the society. University is an important base of train academician; equipment management office is an important function department. It’s an arduous task for finance officers of university that to integrate information technique and equipment management offices nicely, expedite the schedule of information programming, it is also clamant。This thesis introduces a virtual shopping system that is developed by ASP technology, using VBScript as the script of servers and JScript as the script of clients。Equipment information management system of southwest forestry college that is developed by ASP technology, using VBScript as the script of servers and JScript as the script of clients. The system includes Base Management, Batabase Managment, Permanent Assert Management, Expendable Supply Management,Purchase Management,System log Management. The total equipment management is achieved by the system.

Key words: Information management, Equipment Management,ASP, Web Technology


关键词:管理信息  设备管理  ASP  WEB技术
目  录
1 前言 1
1.1 研究目的及内容 1
1.2 成果及前景 2
2 国内外研究现状 3
3 理论依据 5
3.1 采用B/S模式 5
3.2 工具的选择 5
3.2.1 ASP概述 6
3.2.2 SQL server简介 7
4 系统分析与设计 8
4.1 系统任务概述 8
4.2 开发意图 8
4.2.1 应用目标 8
4.2.2 作用范围 8
4.3 系统可行性分析 8
4.4 系统运行环境 9
4.5 接口设计 9
4.6 运行设计 10
4.6.1 运行模块组合 10
4.6.2 运行控制 10
4.6.3 运行时间 11
4.7 数据库设计 11
4.7.1 数据库结构设计 11
4.7.2 数据结构关系图 15
4.7.3 数据结构与程序的关系 15
4.8 出错处理设计 16
4.8.1 出错信息 16
4.8.2 补救措施 16
4.8.3 系统文护设计 16
5 功能与实现 17
5.1 系统功能概述 17
5.2 功能模块划分 18
5.3 系统流程分析 19
5.4 目录结构与通用模块 20
5.5 登录程序设计 20
5.6 基本管理模块设计 22
5.6.1 部门管理模块 22
5.6.2 用户管理模块 23
5.6.3 添加新用户模块 24
5.6.4 用户密码修改模块 25
5.7 数据库管理模块设计 25
5.7.1 数据库备份模块 26
5.7.2 数据库还原模块 27
5.8 资产管理管理模块设计 27
5.8.1 资产申报 28
5.8.2 审核 29
5.8.3 卡片生成 30
5.8.4 编号打印及附件下载 32
5.8.5 固定资产条件统计 33
5.8.6 固定资产报表 34
5.9 低值易耗品模块设计 35
5.9.1 申报 36
5.9.2 未完成申报 37
5.9.3 验收单生成 38
5.9.4 按编号打印 38
5.10 采购管理模块设计 39
5.10.1 申报 39
5.10.2 未完成申报 40
5.10.3 申报表生成 41
5.11 日志管理: 42
结论 44
参考文献 46
指导教师简介 47
致  谢 448

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