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A Tale of Two Cites英文读后感

更新时间:2009-8-1:  来源:毕业论文

A Tale of Two Cites英文读后感
My favorite paragraph in this book that called A Tale Of Two Cities is the first one. Never before in my life has a story so attracted me. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of sadness.”

This is the beginning of the story. With these few words, a background of contradiction in France appears in front of us successfully. The poor, hungry and desperate France would be going away, under the angry whispers of dying farmers and workers and slaves. A storm would be happening, especially in the Bastille.

The great revolution in France is terrible and excellent. Large numbers of poor workers and farmers felt happy, for they could punish Marquis and get freedom. They were all crazing cutting off heads of many, many people, including a greatest scientist L. Antoine- Laurent Lavoisier. He was killed and some people felt sorry and said, ”It’s easy to cut down a Lavoisier’s head. But in a hundred years, it’s hard to grow such smart head.” Lots of children and kind-hearted men like Mr Carton were killed as well. In fact, this revolution destroy the Pairs and the culture. I guess I can use the first paragraph to describe the great revolution.

From this story I know every item has two points, the bad one and the good one. Nothing and nobody is perfect. Neither is every famous person. Newton, as an example, was a very well-known scientist for his great contribution to physics. But he did rather badly in getting on with others. He often quarreled with his colleagues. After he had became older, he stopped to prove that there must be a god. Of course, he failed in the end.

The revolution of France is the best activity in history, it’s also the worst fight during French culture. The people were so crazy that they destroy everything. They cut hundreds of thousands of innocent victim’s head. The head of everybody would be cut down perhaps. It seemed that I could see the fierce looks on Defarge’s. Pairs became a hell on earth.

Sydney Carton, an English lawyer, was really a kind and tough man. He helped Charles Darnay to escape from the prison and the terrible machine, but lost his life himself. He worked hard, but his salary is low. He was a good lawyer, but people all thought Mr Stryver was a conscientious judge instead. He died under the abominable machine, just for another lady, Lucie’s happiness.

After reading this book, I know exactly whether the revolution is good or not. We must put everything into two pieces to see its advantage and disadvantage………

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