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更新时间:2009-8-2:  来源:毕业论文

1 洪新凤 网络技术在酒店营销中的应用
The Application of Network Technology in Hotel Marketing 张  勇 讲师 77 程岭红 讲师 75 70 74 中
2 焉  嫣 城市旅游形象设计——以昆明城市旅游形象设计为例
City Tourism Image Design: A Case of Kunming’s Image Design 张  勇 讲师 93 程岭红 讲师 90 83 88 良
3 李  娇 重庆温泉主题酒店的开发初探
Research on the Development of Spring-theme Hotel in Chongqing 艾熊琳 讲师 88 杨文华 讲师 90 80 85 良
4 孙  游 重庆市旅行社人力资源开发的研究
A Study on Human Resource Development in Travel Agencies in Chongqing 杨文华 讲师 78 杨  柏 副教授 75 70 74 中
5 彭  丹 试论磁器口古镇旅游的可持续发展
A Study of the Sustainable Development of Ciqikou, Ancient Town in Tourism 杨文华 讲师 85 艾熊琳 讲师 92 87 87 良
6 朱婷婷 重庆市酒店员工激励机制调查研究
A Survey of Motivation Mechanism for Hotel Staff in Chongqing 钟谟智裴  琳 副教授
讲  师 87 艾熊琳 讲师 86 86 86 良
7 朱  霞 重庆“农家乐”旅游的发展探讨
A Discussion on the Development of Nong Jia Le Traveling in Chongqing 何天云
熊桂武 教授
讲师 89 李晓苹 副教授 80 88 87 良
8 魏  瑶 论古镇旅游开发中的保护问题——以四川古镇为例
On Preservation in the Exploitation of Old Town Tourism: Taking the Old Towns of Sichuan for Examples 张  勇 讲师 67 程岭红 讲师 68 65 66 
9 杨  柳 浅论博物馆旅游的开发——以重庆市为例
On Exploitation of Museum Tourism: Taking Chongqing as an Example 何天云
裴  琳 教授
助教 91 钟谟智 副教授 92 93 92 优
10 曾  艳 旅游业对中国国民经济前景影响分析
Analysis of the Influence of Tourism Industry on the Prospect of China’s National Economy 熊  勇 副教授 85 李晓苹 副教授 76 80 81 良
11 傅小敏 国内酒店员工培训策略探讨
A Study on Tactics in Domestic Hotel Employee Training 艾熊琳 讲师 82 杨文华 讲师 81 76 79 中
12 曾婷婷 浅谈酒店餐饮的发展策略
Development Strategy on Food and Beverage in Hotel 艾熊琳 讲师 83 杨文华 讲师 86 70 78 中
13 朱  琦 酒店客户的投诉处理
The Handling of Hotel Clients’ Complaints 程岭红 讲师 75 李晓苹 副教授 80 76 76 中
14 王  佳 论公共关系在现代饭店管理中的应用
On Application of Public Relations to Modern Hotel Management 艾熊琳 讲师 78 杨文华 讲师 80 70 75 中
15 侯君邑 关于阆中旅游发展的几点建议
Some Opinions on Programing and Exploitation of Langzhong Tourism 李晓苹 副教授 82 杨柏 副教授 72 72 76 中
16 杨晶晶 大学生旅游市场的产品开发策略探讨
Exploitation Strategies of Products of College Students Tourism Market 艾熊琳 讲师 85 熊桂武 讲师 76 82 82 良
17 黄  鑫 论饭店员工流失的原因及对策
Causes and Countermeasures of Hotel Employee Brain Drain 艾熊琳 讲师 76 熊桂武 讲师 72 76 75 中
18 余  娟 乡村特色旅游产品开发初探——以油菜花等观光类农产品为主要吸引点A Preliminary Study of Exploring Rural Tourism Products: Taking Sight-seeing Agricultural Products like Cole Flower as Main Attractions 林移刚 讲师 85 张勇 讲师 78 80 82 良
19 段树星 乡村旅游发展刍议——以川渝地区为例
Opinions of Countryside Tourism Development:
Taking Sichuan and Chongqing for Example
 李晓苹 副教授 80 杨柏 副教授 66 63 70 中
20 程  曦 丰都旅游业发展的现状、问题及措施
The Current Situations, Problems and Ways
 of Developing Tourism in Fengdu 钟谟智
鲜京宸 副教授
助教 75 艾熊琳 讲师 78 72 74 中
21 王朕科 西部旅游景区开发中的环境保护问题
The Issue of Environmental Protection in the Development
of Tourism Spots in Western China 钟谟智 副教授 81 杨柏 副教授 70 70 74 中
22 姜  科 黔江旅游业发展新思路
The New Conception on Development of Tourism in Qianjiang 李晓苹 副教授 76 杨柏 副教授 83 85 81 良
23 吴坤朕 重庆知青山庄旅游文化及文化营销研究
The Research on Tourism Culture and Culture Marketing
of the Educated Youth Hotels in Chongqing 林移刚 讲师 78 杨文华 讲师 80 76 78 中
24 谭滨松 重庆市旅游业可持续发展研究
The Study of Sustainable Development of Chongqing Tourism 张  勇 讲师 63 程岭红 讲师 61 61 62 及格
25 张云栋 关于三峡旅游品牌建设的几点思考
Thoughts about the Brand Construction of the Three Gorges Tourism 李晓苹 副教授 72 林移刚 讲师 72 75 73 中
26 陈伟平 谈历史文化名城宜宾旅游资源的保护与开发
A Study of the Protection and Development of Tourism Resources
in the Historic and Cultural City, Yibin 林移刚 讲师 89 张勇 讲师 90 87 88 良
27 陈  一 湘西旅游业的现状、问题及对策研究
An Investigation on Current Statements, Problems and Solutions of Xiangxi Tourism 艾熊琳 讲师 72 熊桂武 讲师 81 81 77 中
28 李方丽 酒店员工流动调查及管理对策——以东莞喜来登酒店为例
Survey of the Hotel Employee Turnover and Management Strategies: Taking Sheraton Dongguan Hotel as an Example 张  勇 讲师 90 程岭红 讲师 85 85 87 良
  29 姚  霞 大学生旅游行为特征分析及市场开发建议——以重庆市为例
An Analysis of College Students’ Traveling Behavior Characteristics and Suggestions for Market Development: Take Chongqing as an Example 杨文华 讲师 80 林移刚 讲师 80 82 81 良
30 叶  佳 江苏水利风景区的可持续发展
The Sustainable Development of Water Conservancy Scenic Spots in Jiangsu Province 杨文华 讲师 90 林移刚 讲师 90 84 88 良
31 张馨予 浅析重庆都市旅游
On Chongqing Metropolitan Tourism 杨文华 讲师 86 林移刚 讲师 84 77 82 良
32 罗荣露 从黄金周旅游的“井喷”现象看多样性假期的可行性
On the Feasibility of Diversity for the Holiday from the Outburst Phenomenon in Golden Week for Tourism 程岭红 讲师 81 李晓苹 副教授 85 83 83 良
33 王  兰 饭店人力资源管理的问题和对策探析——以重庆地区饭店为例Problems and Strategies of the Hotel Human Resource Management: Taking Hotels in Chongqing Area as Examples 程岭红 讲师 84 李晓苹 副教授 80 86 84 良
34 易婷睿 浅析我国自驾游的发展现状、障碍及解决措施
A Brief Analysis of Development, Obstacles and Countermeasures of Driving Travel in China 杨文华 讲师 80 艾熊琳 讲师 80 80 80 良
35 杨  怡 浅谈古镇庙会旅游开发——以重庆磁器口古镇为例
Study on the Tourism Development of the Temple Fair in Ancient Town——Taking the Ancient Town Ciqikou in Chongqing for Instance 林移刚 讲师 93 张  勇 讲师 93 91 92 优
36 刘  艳 洪江古商城旅游开发初探——借鉴凤凰古城的成功经验
Research on the Tourism Development of Hongjiang Ancient Commercial Town:the Successful Experiences of Fenghuang Ancient Town 杨文华 讲师 85 林移刚 讲师 85 88 86 良
37 赵  倩 浅析旅游业品牌发展战略——以创建神龙溪品牌为例
A Brief Analysis of the Strategy of Developing Tourism Brands : Taking the Establishment of Shenlongxi Brand as an Example 钟谟智
鲜京宸 副教授
助教 80 艾熊琳 讲师 75 78 78 中
38 陈  希 开发学生旅游市场的途径及方法研究——以大学生旅游市场为例Study of the Way and Method of Students’ Tourism Market: Taking College Students’ Tourism Market for Example 钟谟智
鲜京宸 副教授
助教 65 艾熊琳 讲师 65 65 65 及格
39 王君旭 基于波特-劳勒综合激励理论的旅行社管理人员激励机制研究
On Incentive Mechanism of Managerial Staff in Traveling Agency Derived from “Porter & Lawler's Multiplex Stimulating Theory” 艾熊琳 讲师 75 杨文华 讲师 70 75 74 中
40 李  兰 中国自助旅游特点与发展研究
The Research on the Features and Development of Self-guided Tour in China 何天云
裴  琳 教授
助教 86 钟谟智 副教授 83 85 85 良
41 刘  丽 重庆市城市历史文化遗产的保护与旅游开发   The Protection and Tourism Development of Urban Historic-Cultural Heritages in Chongqing 林移刚 讲师 80 张  勇 讲师 75 75 77 中
42 刘芊宏 我国经济型酒店的现状和发展对策
Actuality and Countermeasure of Economical Hotels in China 张  勇 讲师 85 程岭红 讲师 78 70 78 中
43 程  曦 浅析落后地区生态旅游产业发展状况——以西北地区为例
Analysis of Eco-tourism Industry Development in Backward Zone: Taking the Northwest Zone as an Example 钟谟智
鲜京宸 副教授
助教 70 艾熊琳 讲师 68 68 69 及格
44 沈  昊 县域旅游经济发展初探——以象山县为例
On the Economic Development of County’s Tourism: Taking Xiangshan County for an Example 林移刚 讲师 71 张  勇 讲师 73 71 71 中
45 郭引力 秀山地区旅游开发浅析
An Analysis of Tourism Development in XiushanArea 林移刚 讲师 68 杨文华 讲师 69 69 69 及格
46 蒋文恬 我国旅游专业人才培养研究
A Study of Developing Tourism Specialists in our Country 雷  莹 教授 80 杨  柏 副教授 81 82 81 良
47 文  熊 
The Interaction between Sports and Tourism
 林移刚 讲师 72 张  勇 讲师 60 62 66 及格
48 唐小飞 区域旅游政府联合协作模式研究—以渝东南、湘西、黔北为例
Study on the Modes of Joint Cooperation between Local Governments in Regional Tourism: a Case Study of Southeastern Chongqing, Western Hunan, Northern Guizhou 林移刚 讲师 92 张  勇 讲师 87 91 91 优
49 陈晓东 乡村DIY活动中心的发展可行性分析——以璧山白云湖为例
The Feasibility Analysis Of the  DIY Centers In the Countryside:
Taking Baiyun Lake in Bishan For Example 何天云熊桂武 教授
讲师 76 林移刚 讲师 75 87 80 良
50 马森虎 论旅行社的企业文化建设
On Building Corporate Culture in Travel Agencies 雷  莹
裴  琳 教授
助教 75 杨  柏 副教授 76 70 73 中
51 康和意 中日关系的改善对两国旅游业的影响
Impact of the Improvement of Sino-Japan’s Relations on Tourism Industry 钟谟智 副教授 83 张  勇 讲师 75 73 77 中
52 陈  阳 浅谈凉山彝族自治州民族文化旅游资源的开发
On Development of National Culture Tourism Resources in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture 艾熊琳 讲师 68 熊桂武 讲师 68 63 66 及格
53 黄凡耘 西昌市旅游业发展现状及对策研究
On Current Situation of Xichang’s Tourism and Subsequent Countermeasures 杨文华 讲师 78 林移刚 讲师 75 78 77 中
54 巴  且
妞  妞 略论凉山民族文化旅游开发与保护
An Analysis of the Development and Protection
 of Liangshan’s National Culture Tourism 杨文华 讲师 70 林移刚 讲师 75 80 75 中509

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