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DELPHI+SQL Server 2000图书管理系统

更新时间:2009-11-22:  来源:毕业论文

DELPHI+SQL Server 2000图书管理系统
本文阐述了一个在DELPHI平台基于SQL Server 2000开发出的图书管理系统。在系统的设计上面实现了该系统的交互式界面。从系统的需求分析、系统设计、系统实现入手,详细阐述了一个C/S结构的图书管理信息系统主要功能的实现过程。每一阶段均给出了相应的理论依据和实现内容,并介绍了系统实现部分的主要算法。整个系统的设计与开发严格按照软件工程思想进行,从需求分析到系统设计和实现、从原型系统设计到迭代完善,最终实现了一个集读者管理、图书管理、借阅管理等业务功能为一体的系统。

Design and Implementation of Book Management Information System
The books are the witness of human civilization, with the development of high technology, more and more various books, the library and bookstore's management is also getting more and more complex. Now library management system is a bookstore or a library of the necessary system. A security and more practical for users of the library management system, has become particularly important.
This paper elaborated the books management system which develops based on SQL Server 2000 and on the DELPHI platform. This system has a very interactive interface. This thesis, with the analyses on requirement, design and implementation of system, introduces the implementation of main functions of Information System on C/S structure's Management of Books. In each stage accordingly the base of theory and implementation of its contents are given. And the system realization section has provided several major program charts, together with the main windows and programs. The system is designed and developed according to software engineering strictly, from requirement analysis to systems design and implementation, from prototype system design to iterative improvement, to realize a system integrating readers, books, borrowing management.
Reader、Management  System、Client/Server
目  录
1.选题背景 1
1.1课题背景、意义和来源以及系统工具介绍 1
1.2本选题在国内外的研究状况及发展趋势 2
1.3研究内容及须解决的关键问题 3
2. 图书馆管理信息系统解决方案 4
2.1 方案内容 4
2.2 方案论证 4
3 系统需求分析及数据库设计 6
3.1 用户群体分析 7
3.2 业务流程分析 7
3.3 数据/数据流程分析 8
3.4 系统功能分析 8
4系统设计及实现 9
4.1数据库设计 9
4.1.1概念设计 9
4.1.2数据库表设计 10
4.1.3数据表关系图 12
4.2系统功能设计及设计的关键技术 12
4.2.1 功能设计 12
4.2.2 关键技术 14
4.3系统实现 16
4.3.1启动画面的实现 16
4.3.2用户的登陆界面的实现 17
4.3.3预约图书管理 18
4.3.4读者管理 19
4.3.5图书管理 21
4.3.6借书管理 22
4.3.7借阅历史管理 24
4.3.8罚款管理 25
5.总结 26
参考文献 27
致    谢 581

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