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更新时间:2010-2-12:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要随着计算机和通信技术近十年来的蓬勃发展,国家的进一步改革开放,中国开始进入信息化社会。以信息化带动工业化,全面建设小康社会,已经成为我们的基本国策和全国人民共同奋斗的宏伟目标。在这样的历史背景下,重新审视高等学校本科计算机专业教育的发展方向有着十分重要的意义。


Since the beginning of reform and opening up, especially since the arrival of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China .Our education has been recognized by the international elite education into the public education. on the basis of continuously improve the quality, Higher Education has a rapid development ,China has created a miracle of the development of education in the history and in the world. At present , Education is facing a good opportunity, Is also facing unprecedented Severe test , University education with the community's growing demand for the supply of special education is a lack of supply of quality education , is our current stage of development in basic education .
With the vigorous development of the past 10 years in computer and communications technology, with the develop of reform and opening up. China has begun to enter the information society , use information technology to promote industrialization , comprehensively building a well-off society, has become our basic national policy and the grand objective of the joint efforts of the people . In such a historical background , Re-examine the university's computer has a very important significance
In this paper, in comparison on the basis of extensive research , Analysis of the present situation of the computer , In recent years the size of computer professionals to flourish , has created more opportunities for higher education students , has transported  a large number of professionals . But there is also the need to improve the quality of education and professional characteristics and other issues not obvious。
The purpose of the school is to train qualified personnel ,First, the university professionals to meet the needs of social development 。This paper analyzes the current and future engaged in community work in the computer industry and the demand for information technology 。the time course of this analysis,  has found two different perspectives have different income . One perspective is professional perspective ,another perspective is the nature of work.
We will soon be out of the university campus , I have practiced in the community for some months. Let me have a completely new understanding of the subject , a different understanding of the campus . The rapid development of China's computer , I have feel that we have fallbehind of others. For us personally , through the provision of professional analysis and understanding of market demand , let us be more specific learning objectives and the direction of struggle ,let ourselves to be in line with social development professionals.


目  录

第1章  前  言 2
1.1 本文的研究的意义 2
1.2 本文研究内容 3
第2章  中国高校计算机专业现状 4
2.1计算机专业在我国的基本情况 4
2.2我国高校计算机专业的发展历程和特点 5
2.3国际上的相关情况 6
2.4回顾历史,对比国际,汲取经验 8
第3章  我国当前计算机专业所面临的问题 11
3.1 盛况难再,问题突现 11
3.2  直面问题,引发深思 12
第4章  关于计算机专业人才需求的分析 14
4.1 计算机人才需求的大背景 15
4.2社会对计算机专业人才的具体需求 16
4.3用人单位、毕业生对学校培养环节的意见 17
第5章  计算机本科专业课程设置 22
5.1计算机专业课程体系设置 22
5.2计算机专业课程建设 23
5.3教学方法研究与改革 23
5.4针对现状,重点建设英语不断线课程 27
结束语 28

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