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更新时间:2010-2-14:  来源:毕业论文

电  子  琴  的  设  计

摘  要:随着电子技术的迅速发展,特别是随大规模集成电路出现,给人类生活带来了根本性的改变。由其是单片机技术的应用产品已经走进了千家万户。
关键词: 单片机; 电子琴; 音乐

Abstract:Along with the technical and quick development in electronics, appear with the large-scale integrated circuit especially, give mankind the life brought the changes of the root. From its is a single technical and applied product in a machine to has walked into the 10000 doors : thousand.
This text discusses to report to the police the design of the system primarily with realizes. Make use of the electric potential machine replace the air spreads to feel machine, change its electric resistance value to change electric voltage, again with solid hour input of the air density proceeds the comparison, distinguishing the light that produce the harmony controls the different reaction controls, notify the each customer unit.
The so-called water supply design handles the post-the waters according to the floor number, unit number, water supply type sum stanza the number display come out, and the amalgamation realizes water supply consumer of employment. The system passes loud speaker as to carry produces a sound, so have the humanized operation with the pleasing singing.
Key words:   MCU    Electronic organ    Music
目    录

摘  要 1
第一章 绪 论 3
1.1  设计任务与要求: 3
1.2  设计目的 3
第二章 硬件设计 3
2.1  音乐的基本知识 3
2.2  音乐产生原理 4
2.3  硬件设计原理框图 7
2.4  流程图 8
2.5  基本功能介绍 11
第三章  单片机系统程序设计 15
3.1  发出七个音符程序 15
3.2  演奏“生日快乐歌”程序 17
第四章  软件与硬件的调试 20
4.1  Keil 工程的建立 20
4.2  工程文件建立 21
4.3  编译、连接 22
参 考 文 献: 747

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