目 录中文摘要 Ⅰ
目录 III
图片索引目录 Ⅳ
绪论 1
1 汉字识别原理及常用算法 4
1.1 汉字识别的原理 4
1.2 基于统计决策方法的汉字识别 5
1.3基于结构特征方法的汉字识别 6
2 基于多特征提取的识别算法 9
2.1手写汉字识别的现行算法分析 9
2.1.1以笔划序列为特征的识别算法 9
2.1.2基于统计特征的汉字识别算法 11
2.2现行算法的结合和改进 12
3 识别算法对应的VC代码 14
3.1输入预处理 15
3.2识别算法 18
4 算法实现结果和分析 20
4.1 模拟结果介绍 20
4.2 结果分析 21
5 总结与展望 24
5.1 论文总结 24
5.2 算法的前景展望 24
参考文献 25附:图片索引目录图1.1 汉字识别原理框图 4
图 1.2 汉字图像的粗外围图 5
图 2.1 二文平面的划分图 9
图 2.4 汉字图像的统计特征图 11
图 2.6 汉字识别算法流程图 13
图 4.1 程序运行界面 20
图 4.2 汉字的写入 20
图 4.3 系统识别写入的汉字图像 21
图 4.4 通过“学习”过程向字库中添加汉字特征 21
图 4.5 能够识别的汉字图像示例 22
图 4.6 不能识别的汉字图像示例 22
ABSTRACT The article proposes an algorithm for hand-written Chinese character recognition and its realization . The algorithm is based on the multi-characteristics, it unifies and improves the algorithm based on the statistic characteristic and the algorithm based on the structure characteristics.
The algorithm adopts the classified distinction through the match distinction stage. It takes down the character image’s input unique feature when the image input. With the input unique feature, it can obtains the pen delimits characteristics of the unknown character image. The first classification can be managed based on these steps, thus the range of the second classification will smaller. After the first classification, it must withdraws the statistic characteristics of the image. The algorithm adopts the grid division method in this step. It makes a division to the image and then compute the element ratio of every areas. As a result, the character image can be recognized by the steps above.
The recognition algorithm based on multi-characteristics is extremely effective to the Chinese character recognition.The recognition rate can achieves above 90% .This article also provide methods for the characters written standardless. Key words: Writing recognition, Characteristic withdraws, Pattern matching, Pattern recognition
摘 要
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