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基于J2ME WTK的2D手机游戏开发(英文文献翻译) 第18页

更新时间:2010-3-11:  来源:毕业论文
基于J2ME WTK的2D手机游戏开发(英文文献翻译) 第18页
(3) The data involved in the whole transaction are encrypted with the help of encryption technique and algorithm, which aims to ensure the confidentiality of the information;
(4) Using the signature algorithm to authenticate the identity of payer is to make sure the completeness and undeniability of transaction payment information;
(5) Certificate Authentication System must keep instant update.
3.2 Design of Mobile Payment System
The designing purpose of the system is to make up a mobile payment system based on J2ME; the user could finish the function of payment, and ensure the safety and credibility of the payment process using mobile termination. Mobile payment system consists of four parts:
(1) Terminal user;
(2) Financial Service Process (abbreviated FSP). Generally speaking, the bank often provide non-cashed channel for users and dealers;
(3) Mobile runner offers communication channel for mobile payment;
(4) Mobile Payment Platform. The third MPP links the mobile runner and financial agent.
Direct information exchange won’t take place among terminal user, dealer, and FSP via the network. They all interact processing with MPP. The information delivered via the network among them must be transferred by MPP[2], furthermore, which is to fulfill the communication of information. See the framework as showed in Figure 1:
Figure. 1 Architecture of Mobile Payment System
4. Key Technology in Implementation
4.1 Implementation of Client—tier
The Logical structure of J2ME consists of several functional modules, including Internet communication, user interface and security functions. Interactive Communication among these modules achieves the function of mobile payment[3,4].
The client-tier software is the application program J2ME directly run on mobile terminal, which carries out the tasks of receiving, displaying background information and undertaking users’ input and output. According to user’s different requirements, the HTTP communication is achieved by employing Http Connection. The steps are as follows.
(1) Opening an HTTP connection. Use the right connection type which is needed for connector structure, and connect it with the string by using ‘open’ in connector.
(2) Configuring HTTP request Open HTTP connection, gain Http connection object and get prepared for communication. Before communication starts, we need to set HTTP request property.
(3) Establishing HTTP connection Response code is the most frequently used method
when the communication in HTTP Connection switches to connecting state. We can decide whether to jump to next page by checking response code connecting state. The direct way is ‘get response code’in HTTP Connection, and it can return to the response codes indicating different connecting states.
(4) Operating input/output stream HTTP Connection adopts IO stream to send
requirements and receive server’s response. The former is based on output stream and the latter input stream. HTTP Connection interface provides open-outputstream
and open-input-stream methods. The former returns to output stream objects and the latter input stream objects. By directly operating write method of output stream category objects and read method of input stream objects category, users can gain the response of sending and receiving text.
(5) Disconnecting HTTP connection. Disconnect HTTP connection after communication ends, close input/output stream, and close HTTP connection.

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基于J2ME WTK的2D手机游戏开发(英文文献翻译) 第18页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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