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自动化立体车库管理系统的设计(英文文献+CAD图纸) 第25页

更新时间:2010-4-3:  来源:毕业论文
一、设计(论文)题目:  巷道式自动化立体车库升降部分                                                      
二、专题题目: 自动化立体车库管理系统的研究                                                      
三、设计的目的和意义: 车辆无处停放的问题,是城市的饿社会、经济、交通发展到一定程度产生的结果,立体停车设备的发展在国外,尤其在日本已有三、四十年的历史。截止2003年底,我国个人汽车保有量为12427672辆,其中个人汽车4890387辆,比2002年增加1462441辆,增长率为42.7%。                                                   
四、设计(论文)主要内容: 本设计的内容是就巷道式立体停车库,设计其升降部分,所以设计的重点在于传动机构的设计。要求实现在升降过程中各部分能正常的运行,实现车的升降过程。                                                                                   五、设计目标: 根据所学知识 ,为解决城市的停车难问题,设计出一个能够自动存取车的巷道堆垛式自动化立体车库的升降部分,该部分的主要设计重点是其传动部分。                                                                   
辣、进度计划: 1-3周 :毕业实习,现场收集与设计有关的资料;                                                                    4-6周:整理资料,选择设计方案,并最终确定设计方案;                                                                        7-9周:进行设计计算,设计出设计需要的参数;                                                                                   10-13周:绘制CAD图;                                                                                    
[2]中外停车设备及配套产品重点厂商名录.1999,1 :5 -7;
[3]喻乐康,左东晓.机械停车库的技术发展[J]建设机械技术与管理.1999,1: 30 -32;
    论文以研究工作的进展顺序为序,分章、节逐一论述了课题的来源,目的及意义,设计过程,在设计中遇到的问题与难点及其解决方法与措施。在设计过程部分,详细论述了设备总体结构设计、横移传动系统设计、提升传动系统设计、存取车结构设计、控制系统设计和安全防护设计 。  
关键词:立体停车设备 ;  传动设计;  控制系统 ; 升降机构; 安全性
Along with the fast development of two major of pillar industry of the automobile industry and building industry, the city one after another appears to park the car the phenomenon of the difficult and disorderly parking in somely bigly,.In resolve the city city park the car difficult problem, stereoscopic parking equipments of the machine type with its special advantage, caused the value of the public, get the extensive application.
The vehicle has no a the society, economy, transportation that the problem for park is a city to develop output result to certain extent, the development of the stereoscopic parking equipments is abroad, particularly at Japan already is close to 30~40 years of history, all have already acquired the success on the technique still on the experience regardless.The our country also starts study to develop the stereoscopic parking equipments of machine at the beginning of in 90's, being apart from to already have the process of the decade now.Because a lot of set up the little inhabitant inside the area to go together with the car to compare to 1 lately:1, for solving the parking lot to cover the area and inhabitant's company to use the antinomy of the area, stereoscopic machine parking equipments with it average the bicycle covers the small special characteristic of area, have already been accept by the large customer.
    The machine garage and traditional get off the database to compare naturally, in many respect display the superiority.First, the machine garage has an advantage of outstanding stanza.Before underground garage because of toing stay to go the car passage enough, average car will occupy 40  areas of the square meters, but if a layer of adoption  machine garage, can make the utilization rate of the ground raise 80%-90%, if an up many type garages with stereoscopic layer(21 layers) of adoption, can deposit 40 cars then on 50  areas of the land of the square meters, this resources that can save the limited land consumedly, and save the soil to set up to develop the cost.
Currently the society contain a lot of mature and technical parking equipmentses for example:Ascend and descend horizontal move the type;Perpendicular and circulating type;Level circulation type;The flat surface moves the type;A  of tunnel;The perpendicular rise and fall type;Simple rise and fall.Pass the comparison and analysises to these garages  type characteristicses, I was end to choose a garage type that is the design.
    Thesis with research the progress of the work is in proper order for the preface, dividing the chapter, stanza to discuss the source of the topic one by one, purpose and meaning, the design process, problem meet in the design with a little bit difficult and it resolve method and measure.At design the process part, detailed discussed the total structure of equipments design, horizontal move to spread to move the system design and promote to spread to move the system design, access the car structure design, control the system design and safe protection design.  
Keyword: stereoscopic parking equipments;  The structure design;  Control the system;  PLC;  Safety

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自动化立体车库管理系统的设计(英文文献+CAD图纸) 第25页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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