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JSP电信电话计费系统设计(含英文文献翻译) 第6页

更新时间:2010-4-9:  来源:毕业论文
JSP电信通讯计费系统设计(含英文文献翻译)摘  要

【关键词】 运营商  计费系统  省委通讯部  批价  出账  收费
Regardless of what business the operators carried out, can not be separated from the support of billing system. Without the support of accounting system, it becomes difficult to invest capital and develop business. Only do telecommunication operators account accuracy, they can guarantee the development of business, gain the confidence of customers then win them Now, Today, the accounting system has become the most directly and informative source, which feedback from the users' information.
With the rapid development of the telecommunications, the number of various business increases quickly and the operator provide new business and new forms of service continuously, as a result the accounting process becomes more and more important. A good accounting system should be able to bring substantial increase of benefits to operators.
The task studies on an accounting system for a provincial communication apartment, which is a set of software based on conditional telecommunication accounting system. The functions including the assignment of the staffs' pope Dom in the frontgroud, the transaction of the users' basic business, a single grant price of the accounts and fees in background, can be represented by the system. Therefore, the learning and studying on the task can not only help me learn the basic principles, the process and basic service transact on of telecommunication accounting system, but also be a research on the operators integrated accounting system software. Moreover, we can also learn to understand the service process and charge rules of telecom accounting system. In all, it has significant influences in practice.
【Key words】 Operators Charge System  Provincial communications  Grant price  Charge off  Fee
目  录
摘  要 I
目  录 III
前  言 V
第一章  省委计费系统概述 1
第一节 电信运营商计费系统的概念 1
第二节 电信运营商计费系统的现状及发展 1
一、浅谈电信计费现状 1
二、电信计费系统的发展趋势 2
第二节 省委计费系统简介 3
第三节 开发计费系统的研究意义 3
第四节 本章小结 4
第二章  系统需求分析及环境搭建 5
第一节  需求分析 5
一、功能范围 5
二、业务流程 5
三、业务功能 5
三、业务规则 7
第二节  编程语言的选择 8
第三节  硬件开发环境介绍 9
第四节  软件开发环境介绍 9
第五节  软件开发环境搭建 9
一、JDK安装与配置 9
二、Tomcat安装与配置 10
三、MyEclipse安装与配置 10
四、其他 10
第辣节  本章小结 11
第三章  系统设计 12
第一节  总体设计 12
一、系统权限管理模块 12
二、业务受理模块 13
三、计费出账模块 14
四、用户缴费模块 15
五、数据文护模块 16
第二节  数据库设计 17
一、数据库设计原则 17
二、数据库概念结构设计 18
二、数据库逻辑结构设计 20
第三节 本章小结 24
第四章  系统界面效果图 25
第一节 效果图 25
第二节 本章小结 29
第五章  系统测试 30
第一节、测试的定义、目的及原则 30
一、定义 30
二、目的 30
三、原则 30
第二节、计费测试简述 30
一、界面测试 30
二、功能测试 31
三、需求测试 32
第三节、本章小结 34
第辣章  结束语 35
致  谢 36
参考文献 37
附  录 38
一、英文原文: 38
二、英文翻译: 44
三、源代码: 51

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