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更新时间:2010-4-11:  来源:毕业论文

目  录
一  路灯控制的分类及特点------------------------------------------------1
三  整体设计------------------------------------------------------------2
三  镇流器--------------------------------------------------------------2
四  组群控制件工作原理与系统组成---------------------------------------12
    4.1  组群控制件系统组成--------------------------------------------12
    4.2  GSM模块------------------------------------------------------13
    4.3  电力载波通信模块----------------------------------------------22
    4.4  双CPU通信方法与RS-485通信-----------------------------------24
    4.5  交流接触器控制与状态保持--------------------------------------26
    4.6  时钟与控制策略------------------------------------------------26
4.7  软件的实现----------------------------------------------------27
五 硬件设计------------------------------------------------------------29
5.1  PIC16F877的特点----------------------------------------------29
5.2  单片机及接口技术----------------------------------------------30
5.3  DS1302的结构及工作原理---------------------------------------31
5.4  MAX485--------------------------------------------------------34
参考文献---------------------------------------------------------------37公共照明系统广泛采用高压钠灯(high pressure sodium lamp)或金属卤化物灯(metallic halide lamp),传统照明系统经常采用电感镇流器,照明灯具采用统一开关控制方案。
The public lighting system widely uses the high-pressured sodium lamp or the metal halogenide lamp, the tradition lighting system uses the inductance ballast frequently, illuminates the lamps and lanterns to use the unification switch control plan.
Along with the digital technology and the networking development, the public lighting digitization and the network already became one inevitable trend.Saves the energy, the guarantee lamps and lanterns life, the enhancement illumination management level, beautifies a city night of quantity and guaranteed the city goes on a journey at night the security and so on, already became to a public lighting system basic request. This article will introduce based on the ballast entire digital public lighting system.This system in domestic has for the first time realized the long-distance single street light node willfully monitoring, and introduced with emphasis the system core equipment - - group group control regulator function, the composition, the principle of work are as well as the main software architecture diagram.1002

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