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CDMA毕业论文 第2页

更新时间:2010-5-2:  来源:毕业论文
CDMA毕业论文 第2页
CDMA is the major technology used in the wireless communication , especially in the mobile communication. Following the IS-95 standard set up in China ,CDMA is the mostly choice whether in China Uninet net ,in the third system (3G) that all kinds of mobile businessmen are to build or in the wider system than the third one(named 4G)that the large equipments researching businessmen have been researching.The concept of CDMA may be interpreted as the simulation that base on frequency spreading and the multiply address access project.Its reverse channel is composed of access channel and traffic channel.The access channel is used for brief information exchanging 、providing the source about the calling、the call responding 、the instruction and the enrollment.
This design choose the part of connect channel to simulate and analyse. First,we can familiar with the process of connect channel ,understand the principleof every step of the procedure about thre channel,after studying the relating knowledge .At the same time ,we an also have some acquaintance with the software about MATLAB and the part of SIMULINK and how to set the parameter of every klock in the soft.Then we can use the MATLAB software to design the part of the connect channel, to analyse , to simulate and to validate the design of every block gradually. This purpose is to be familiar with the basic structure and basic principle of the morden wireless communication system, to mastery the technology about the Convolutional Encoder,Interleaver ,Coder spread and so forth, then use those technology to design system in practice,so that to improve our knowledge about the CDMA communication system.

Key words:CRC;Convolutional Enconder;Block Repeat;Interleaver;Long code;Walsh;
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