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更新时间:2010-5-6:  来源:毕业论文

E-Mail plays a very important role in modern times.More and more people are using it,and the number of it will larger and larger.Though there are a lot of software for sending and receiving letters such as FoxMail which are also multifunctional,it is difficult and complicated to the Most of people who are curbstone.For this reason,we do this software with the rock-bottom protocol of SMTP and Pop. The full name of SMTP is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.It is Used to sending letters.The full name of Pop is Post Office Protocol which is Special to receive letters.I basically take charge to how to realize the function of sending letters. A namespace which is named MailSend is the soul of my programe.It includes two classes.A method named sendmial which realize the fuction step by step belongs to the class of SmtpMail. It detailedly note the track of client exchange to the server. You can use the software to send either a text E –Mail or a textE-mail with Attachments.You also can Send a letter to many addressee. In the nature of things,you can use a different SMTP service. The software I did support multiletters and multisender after I test. BCC email to A is that when the time, but also made the same e-mail to B, but A can not see you also made a message to B .Cc is that when mail addressed to A, the time at the same time sent to B, but A can see you are sent to B . It is simplier than FoxMail and other professional softwares,but it is easy to hold and use.
The dissertation designs and implements a Simple Mail System. The users can easily manage the E-mail by using this system. They can check and send E-mail without landing website. The system includes three main modules: User setting, E-mail sending, E-mail checking. It uses a C/S architecture. The server is a SMTP server or a POP server, and the client is a sending and checking E-mail tool. The part of User setting is used to register users, it storage the information in the local disk. The part of E-mail sending is communicating with the SMTP server by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and the www.751com.cn part of E-mail checking is communicating with the POP server by Post Office Protocol.
The dissertation introduces the system from the following aspects: the purpose of the design, the design and the implement of the system, the key technologies, and so on. Finally, it makes a summary of the dissertation.
Keywords: E-Mail, SMTP,POP,BCc,Cc

摘要 3
Abstract 4
第一章 绪论 5
1.1电子邮件收发系统的基本概念 5
1.2电子邮件收发系统的技术要点 10
1.3系统的研究背景和意义 12
第二章 电子邮件收发系统的技术基础 13
2.1电子邮件系统硬件平台介绍 13
2.2电子邮件的发展过程 13
第三章电子邮件收发系统的总体设计 20
3.1体系结构 20
3.2IIS Web邮件发送的特点 22
3.3IIS Web邮件发送的不足 22
3.4系统模块划分 23
3.5子模块功能定义 23
3.6数据库设计 24
第四章 邮件收发系统的软件设计与实现 25
4.1有关邮件收发系统的协议一SMTP 25
4.2有关邮件收发系统的协议二POP3 31
第五章 总结和展望 35
5.1 总结 35
5.2展望 36
附录一 36
附录二 42
电子邮件在当今社会中扮演了一个很重要的角色。越来越多的人在使用它。而且用它的人数势必会继续增加。虽然,现在已经有很多的邮件收发软件例如著名的FoxMail 但是对于大多数的非专业的人来说它还是有点难度稍嫌负责。因此,我们就利用SMTP和POP协议从底层开发了这个软件。SMTP全称是简单邮件传输协议,它专门用来发送邮件用的。POP全称是邮局协议,是专门用于接收邮件的。MailSend命名空间包括两个类。在SmtpMail的类中包含了一个SendMail的方法,它从底层详细地实现了和服务器的交互操作。你既可以用它发送一个纯文本邮件,也可以发送一个带有附件的邮件,不过我们组做的课题没有实现发送附件的邮件。理所当然地,你也可以使用不同的SMTP服务器。经过测试,证实此软件是一个支持多收信人,多附件的群发软件,有抄送和密送两种方式。密送就是当发邮件给A的时候,同时还发了相同的邮件给B,而且A看不到你同时还发了邮件给B;抄送就是当发邮件给A的时候,同时发给了B,但是A能看到你也发给了B。虽然我们的系统没有FoxMail那么强大的功能,但是它容易掌握和使用。
本论文设计并实现了一个电子邮件收发系统,该系统可以使用户更加方便的管理电子邮件,用户不用登陆网页,就可以收取和发送电子邮件。该系统主要分为三部分:用户设置、发送邮件和收取邮件。它采用C/S设计模式,服务器端是SMTP服务器和POP服务器,客户端是邮件收发程序。用户设置部分是添加用户,把用户信息存储起来。 发送邮件部分是基于SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,简单邮件传输协议)与SMTP服务器进行对话。收取邮件部分是基于POP3(Post Office Protocol version 3,邮局协议)与POP服务器进行对话。

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