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更新时间:2010-5-17:  来源:毕业论文

目  录
前  言 (1)
1 系统需求分析 (2)
1.1 系统需求 (2)
1.2 功能需求 (2)
1.3 性能需求 (2)
2 可行性分析 (4)
2.1 经济性 (4)
2.2技术可行性 (4)
2.3操作可行性 (4)
3 开发环境 (5)
3.1 VISUAL BASIC 6.0 (5)
3.1.1 Visual Basic 的发展 (5)
3.1.2 Visual Basic 6.0的特点 (5)
3.2 SQL SERVER 2000简介 (6)
4 系统设计 (7)
4.1系统功能分析 (7)
4.2 系统业务图 (8)
4.3 系统流程图 (8)
5 数据库设计 (9)
5.1 数据库需求分析 (9)
5.2 数据库概念结构设计 (9)
5.3 数据库结构的实现 (10)
6 详细设计 (14)
6.1 主窗体的设计 (14)
6.2 系统管理模块的创建 (16)
6.3客户信息管理模块的设计 (18)
6.4 客户订单管理模块设计 (18)
6.5 采购信息管理模块的设计 (19)
6.6 综合信息管理模块设计 (20)
7 系统运行测试与调试 (24)
7.1基本理论知识 (24)
7.2 系统运行测试与调试 (24)
7.3 程序打包发行 (25)
8 总 结 (27)
致 谢 (28)
参考文献 (29)
摘   要
随着信息技术在管理上越来越深入而广泛的应用,信息管理系统的实施在技术上已逐步成熟。信息管理系统(Management Information System ,MIS),是一个不断发展的新型学科,客户管理系统是一个典型的信息管理系统。客户管理信息化是现代的商业活动中发展的必然要求,目前,科技的发展、时代的进步,市场经济的竞争也越发激烈与残酷,在竞争中客户作为市场的最要的资源,早已成为市场营销的核心,企业间谁拥有的客户多,谁就在竞争中占有绝对的优势。在市场经济竞争如此激烈的环境之下,企业要想立于不败之地,就必须和与之生存发展息息相关的客户,建立起良好的关系,在现有客户资源的基础之上,文护好和老客户的关系,并且不断的发展新的客户,用企业高品质的产品、优质的服务、良好的信誉树立企业在客户心目中的良好形象;并以客户需求为己任,不断的创新与发展自身的产品,以满足客户新需求,并规范企业内部的客户资源的管理方式、提升企业的客户服务质量。计算机管理系统满足了企业对自身客户资源管理的新要求,减少了客户资源管理过程中的浪费的大量人力、物力和财力等。
关键字:管理信息系统,客户管理系统,数据库,软件工程,Visual Basic程序设计。
Customer management systemAbstract
As the application of information technology in the management becomes more and more profound and wide, the implementation of Management Information System has gradually matured technically. Management Information Systems (MIS) is a new discipline which is continuously developing. Customer management information is the modern development of commercial activities necessary requirement. At present, the development of technology, the progress of time, the market economy and increasingly competitive and cruel, in the competition as the market's best customers to the resources, has become the market marketing of the core enterprises of customers who have more than whoever the competition has an absolute advantage. In a market economy under such a competitive environment, companies want to survive, it must be closely related to survival and development with customers, build good relations, based on existing client resources, safeguard and old customer relationships, and constantly develop new customers, with enterprise quality products, excellent service, good reputation the minds of clients establish a good corporate image; and responsi www.751com.cn to seek convenient, high reliability, large memory capacity, confidentiality, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of customer information management, but also commercial scientific and standardized management, an important condition for integration with the world.
The system for enterprise management, business office management objective is to provide a fast, simple and standard management platform that enables enterprise customer information management in a more standardized and efficient technology.
Keywords: Management Information Systems,Customer Management Systems, Databases, Software Engineering, Visual Basic Programming.1202

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