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更新时间:2010-5-26:  来源:毕业论文

在论文中,对软土的形成、分布以及其工程特性作了简单概述,并对以往的一些软基处理方法进行了总结分析,提出了各种方法的加固原理、适用条件以及其优缺点。根据以往在校期间的学习,结合施工实践,经过对强夯法处理湿陷性黄土的总结与分析,对强夯法的施工过程、施工检测和注意事项进行了综述。选择典型湿陷性黄土试验段,进行了强夯压实的各项现场试验,对强夯处理黄土路堤的有关因素进行了评价分析。关键词: 软基处理   强夯法施工    湿陷性黄土    检测   软土
Highway soft ground process is a systems engineering, needs to consider the soil’s characteristic, the geologic condition, the load condition, the theory of deformation , the reinforcement plan maturation, the construction technology’s reliability and the quality examination difficulty degree and others many aspects. The soft ground processing expense accounts for the total investment generally approximately 20~30%, therefore to chose a suitable processing plan is a essential topic in the soft ground constructs of the highway. In view of the highway soft ground distortion and the stability problem, its processing method has too many, this article in foundation of the summary part processing method, through the project experience and the research work, has carried on the careful description and the analysis to 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/ oft clay’s formation, the distribution and its project characteristic has made the simple outline, and has carried on the summary analysis to some former soft ground processing method, proposed each method’s reinforcement principle, the suitable condition as well as its good and bad points. According to formerly in the school period study, the union construction practice, through the summary and analysis of the dynamic consolidation process to loess subsidability. to the construction process of dynamic consolidation, the construction detection and the matters need to attention has carried on the summary. The choice model loess subsidability test section, has carried on the dynamic consolidation’s each field test, has appraisal and analysis to related factor in dynamic consolidation to loess subsidability.
Key words: Soft ground process   Dynamic consolidation  Loess subsidability   Detection  Soft clay
1 绪论 4
1.1课题来源 4
1.2 软基成因及分布特点 5
1.2.1 软土成因及分布 5
1.2.2 软土工程特点 5
2 常见软基处理方法 7
2.1 公路工程软基处理方法的分类 7
2.2 我国高速公路常用软土地基处理方法简介 8
2.2.1 换土垫层法 8
2.2.2 强夯法 10
2.2.3 排水固结法 11
2.2.4 碎(砂)石桩 12
2.2.5 水泥土搅拌法 14
3 强夯法处理湿陷性黄土 15
3.1 施工设备 15
3.2 施工程序 16
3.3 施工要点 16
4 强夯后的检测及效果 18
4.1 检测 18
4.1.1 沉降量检测 18
4.1.2 压实度检测 19
4.1.3 承载力检测 20
4.2 强夯处理效果的评价和测试 21
4.2.1 对夯前夯后土体的物理力学性质试验 21
4.2.2 在施工现场对夯前夯后土体承载能力的试验 21
4.2.3 夯沉量和最后贯入度试验 21
5 结论与展望 22
5.1 结论 22
5.2 展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25

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