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更新时间:2010-5-28:  来源:毕业论文

摘   要
改性沥青 ; 配合比设计 ;  施工工艺 ;  质量控制技术
The modified asphalt has been used in the first-class highway, the city main route and the runway and so on the application, the remarkable enhancement  operational performance of pavement, lengthenes the road pavement service life, reduced the maintenance cost greatly, receives the good social and the economic efficiency. It has the good high temperature stability, the 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/  the asphalt water stability; Enhances the pavement anti-skid capability; Enhances pavement bearing capacity; Strengthened the asphalt durability, anti-weary, anti-aging; Enhances the asphalt and the mineral aggregate coherence, preventes the moisture content causes asphalt flaking in its contact surface place invasion and so on. Therefore, it obtains the widespread application in domestic as well as the overseas first-class highway, has become the irreversible tendency. This article key introduces mainly asphalt type and choice, modified bituminous mixture  ratio design, construction craft and quality control technology.
Key Word:
Modified asphalt;Mixture ratio design;Construction craft;Quality control technolog
目  录
1  改性沥青的种类及选择 1
1.1 聚合物改性沥青的分类 1
1.2 改性剂的选择 1
1.2.1改性剂选择的原则 2
2  配合比设计 3
2.1  原材料要求 3
2.1.1 粗集料 3
2.1.2 细集料 3
2.1.3 填充料 4
2.1.4 改性沥青技术要求 5
2.1.5 纤文稳定剂 6
2.1.6 改性沥青试验中应注意的问题 6
2.2  改性沥青混合料配合比设计 6
2.2.1 级配 7
2.2.2粉料比 7
2.2.3混合料技术指标 8
2.2.4注意事项 8
3  施工工艺 10
3.1  材料质量控制 10
3.2  改性沥青制作 10
3.3  改性沥青混合料拌和 11
3.4  改性沥青混合料运输 12
3.5  改性沥青混合料的摊铺 13
3.6  改性沥青混合料的压实 14
3.7  接缝施工 16
3.7.1 接缝施工特点 16
3.7.2 纵缝施工 16
3.7.3 横向接缝 17
4  质量控制技术 18
4.1质量控制的基本原则 18
4.2.  施工质量管理内容 18
4.2.1 施工前质量管理 18
4.2.2 施工过程中质量管理 19
5  结论与建议 20
参考文献 ...  21
致谢  1279

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