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更新时间:2010-6-2:  来源:毕业论文

摘要 随着信息化时代的到来,网络的高速发展,电子商务的兴起,数据随之成为了人们日常生活的核心。信息的安全也越来越引起人们的重视。然而,归根结底,信息安全就是保证数据的安全。在操作系统中,信息的存储是以文件的形式存在的。所以,保证数据的安全常常会转移到保证文件安全的问题上来。为了保护文件安全,本文阐述了简易文件审计工具的设计与实现。文章讨论了如何使用文件过滤驱动捕获各种文件操作事件,并且设定了对事件的审计规则和日志管理方法。
在事件捕获方面,工具采用了IFS-DDK Kit 2600进行文件过滤驱动的开发;用MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)实现了工具的界面,因为MFC提供了对C和C++良好的支持;而为了实现事件鉴别、日志管理等功能,我们使用了Windows编程,直接调用Windows API函数。
关键词:文件过滤驱动  数据安全  审计  Windows NT
The Design and Implementation of Simple File Audit Tool
Abstract With the advent of the information-based age, the highly development of network, the rise of e-commerce, data become the core of daily life. Information security has become increasingly important and eye-catching. However, in the final analysis, information security is to ensure the data security. In the operating system, information is stored in the form of documents. Therefore, to ensure the security of data are often transferred to ensure the safety of up documents. In order to protect the safety of documents, the paper expound the design and realization of the simple document audit tool. The article discussed how to use the file filter driver to capture events of various file operations, and set the rules of the incident and the audit log management.
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In the Event Detect, IFS-DDK Kit 2600 is used to develop the file system filter drivers; MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) can be used to achieve a tool interface. For MFC provides C and C + + support; and in order to realize the functions of event forwarding and Log Management, we program with Windows, and call the Windows API function directly.
Keywords: File Filter Driver   Data Security   Audit  Windows NT.
 目  录
第一章  绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2发展现状 1
1.3研究的目的与意义 2
1.4 研究内容 2
1.5论文的结构安排 3
第二章  基本知识和相关技术 4
2.1 WINDOWS文件系统 4
2.2 MFC基本框架 8
2.3 WINDOWS编程 13
第三章  文件过滤驱动程序 17
3.1 FILESPY简介 17
3.2 FILESPY分析 17
第四章  运用层程序设计 24
4.1 模块划分 24
4.2 事件鉴别模块 24
4.3  日志管理模块 27
4.4  用户交互模块 30
第五章  程序测试 33
5.1 操控驱动 33
5.2 事件产生 33
5.3 事件鉴别 34
5.4日志管理 35
第辣章  结论与展望 37
6.1 结论 37
6.2 展望 38
致  谢 40
参考文献 1302

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