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钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构体系宾馆设计+任务书+文献综述+计算书+图纸 第3页

更新时间:2010-8-16:  来源:毕业论文
钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构体系宾馆设计+任务书+文献综述+计算书+图纸 第3页
Design of xian qinxin hotel
Abstract:This is the main work of of reinforced concrete shear wall structure design. The engineering construction in xian city, the main structure of the shear wall structure for the hotel. Main building of the ten layer, building a total height of 30.9 m, with a total construction area of 11800m2. The design content includes building design, structure design, two parts.According to the design requirements and should consider aseismic design, fortification intensity for 8 degrees, seismic grade for secondary.本文来自辣.文'论'文.网
The main structure for large bay multi-ribbed slab frame transverse shear wall structure. The first type of discrimination on shear wall, and then select and stiffness calculation of a wall of every kind of segments are computed and content includes wall in wind load, segments, live load and horizontal seismic mitigation and under the action of the wall inside segments axial force, moment and shear calculation;Vertical load of wall limb axial force calculation, Internal wall limb.Then select a group of the most unfavorable internal wall limb section design combination. Finally, all of the design of the plate adopts cast-in-situ.The scheme design of structure and design specification requirements, more reasonable.
Based on the floor plan, section, hotel and the structure of the elevation drawing and structure design, familiar with the process of design, structure design, calculation mastered the basic method and creative completed the graduation design task. At the same time, to four-year university major knowledge and basic concept of a deeper understanding, and improve the analysis and the ability to solve practical problems.
Keywords: shear wall;anti-seismic;wind load;hotel
目  录
1  绪 论 1
1.1  课题意义 1
1.2  国内外现状 1
1.3  方法和步骤 5
1.4  毕业设计的主要内容 5
2  建筑部分 7
2.1  概述 7
2.1.2  工程概况 7
2.1.2  工程地质水文条件及自然条件 7
2.1.3  拟建建筑地形 7
2.2  建筑平面设计 7
2.3  建筑剖面立面设计 10
2.4  建筑体型组合和立面设计 10
2.5  建筑构造设计 10
3  结构部分 12毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
3.1  剪力墙的类型判别及刚度计算 12
3.1.1  剪力墙的类型判别 12
3.1.2  剪力墙刚度计算 14
3.2  重力荷载计算 16
3.3  风荷载计算 18
3.4  水平地震作用计算 19
3.4.1  重力荷载代表值计算 19
3.4.2  结构基本自振周期 20
3.5  结构水平位移验算 21
3.6  水平地震作用下结构内力计算 22
3.6.1总剪力墙内力计算 22
3.6.2  剪力墙内力计算 23
3.7 风荷载作用下结构内力计算 27
3.7.1  总剪力墙及总框架内力计算 27
3.7.2  各片剪力墙的内力计算 27
3.8  竖向荷载作用下结构的内力 34
3.8.1  整截面墙 34本文来自辣.文'论'文.网
3.8.2  双肢墙 34
3.9  内力组合 38
3.9.1  结构抗震等级 38
3.9.2  剪力墙内力组合 38
3.10  截面设计 44
3.10.1  整截面墙截面设计 44
3.10.2  双肢剪力墙截面设计 46
3.11  楼板设计 51
3.11.1  楼板类型及设计方法的选择 51
3.11.2  双向板的设计 52
3.11.3  单向板的设计 55
结论 56
参考资料 57
致 谢 1505

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