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全天候太阳能自动跟踪系统设计+现状+原理图+源程序 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-31:  来源:毕业论文
全天候太阳能自动跟踪系统设计+现状+原理图+源程序 第2页
All-weather Solar Tracking System ABSTRACT All-weather solar tracking system for solar air conditioning、Solar hydrogen production、Solar irradiance measurements、materials aging test、solar photovoltaic、 solar water heaters and other high need for solar applications in real-time tracking designed.
Solar Tracking System is a comprehensive application of physics, optics, kinematics, control theory and other disciplines reflected, is the current hot topic of research at home and abroad. Solar is an energy, is renewable energy. It is rich in resources, both free, then no transport, no pollution on the environment. To create a new human life forms, and human society into a era of energy conservation to reduce pollution. So, all-weather track to realize the sun is to improve the use of solar energy, utilization of great significance。本文来自辣'文.论-文"网
I made all-weather solar tracking system, the system can track the sun all-round, with two degrees of freedom tracking. Through the night or cloudy days, the only one you can track the sun, reliable stability.
ATMEL Corporation AT89C52 use of the system control chip, through the op amp device LM354N, LM358 module composed of relatively light on the photosensitive sensor resistance on the intensity and set the comparison reference voltage detection, and test results of logical operations, the responsible position angle and elevation angle of the stepping motor control, in order to achieve full-track the sun. 1602 LCD Module, Display System on the current work status and time. In the method described in detail the composition of the control system structure and working principle. The method uses nine photosensitive resistance on the current ambient light intensity sensor, at different intensity of light, the photosensitive resistor not the same, so the positive comparator input voltage is different. If the trackpad is not working on the sun, then the resistance of nine photosensitive not the same, the comparator input voltage is not the same, if the input voltage is higher than the set reference voltage, the comparator will output a signal to the SCM, SCM comparator input signal according to logical operations, and then control the corresponding stepper motor rotation, until 9 photosensitive resistance as light intensity sensor.
In an interview with the introduction of single chip control circuit, by taking advantage of its software and hardware resources, the system has superior intelligence, scalability, scalable and easy to operatly weather Genzong the sun provides a reasonable, affordable solutions characteristics.Finally, a joint trial, the results show that: the system software and hardware design is reasonably practicable, for the follow-up research foundation.
Key words: photosensitive detection elements  combined resistance comparator module microcontroller (AT89C52)  liquid crystal display (1602)摘  要
关键词:光敏电阻组合检测元件  比较器模块  单片机(AT89C52)  液晶显示屏(1602)

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