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ASP.NET信息机应用系统+可行性分析+需求分析+短信群发 第2页

更新时间:2010-9-3:  来源:毕业论文
Message Application System Abstract
With information to the accelerated development of digital application is gradually improved, universities and institutions were flocked into the wave groups.Particularly for large objects unit, efficient information systems for front of the application of the urgent demand.
Message application system, mas, integrates a variety of instruments of the application for sms, send by group, communication, coordination provides a the most convenient and most intelligent of the platform.The system designed with asp.net 2.0 and SQL Server 2005 express database, in the structure of the typical application, all of the users needn’t to install any client software, just login with a browser. Message application system, will increase the efficiency of departments and offices and staff of the response time between people and enhance the exchange of information, further accelerated the construction enterprise.System design includes two major elements: human touch and highly integrated.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
Keywords: Mas Application system Human touch Highly integrated
信息机应用系统摘  要
信息机应用系统,简称MAS,集成多种实际应用功能,为短信群发、信息交流、沟通协作提供了一个最便捷,最智能的平台。系统采用ASP.NET 2.0和SQL 2005 EXPRESS数据库,实现B/S结构的典型应用,用户无需在客户端安装任何软件,即可通过浏览器登录使用。信息机应用系统,能提高各部门间的办公效率,缩短工作人员的响应时间,增强人与人之间的交流,进一步加快企业信息化建设。系统设计包含两大要素:人性化理念(Human Touch);高度集成(Highly Integrated)。关键词:信息机 应用系统 人性化 高度集成

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