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ADC参考电压电路进行版图设计 第2页

更新时间:2010-9-19:  来源:毕业论文
ADC参考电压电路进行版图设计 第2页
Abstract Layout design is an important part of the rate decision according to the degree of automation design, and layout design methods can be divided into the design manual and automatic design of two categories. According to the place and route location and layout of the restrictions to limit the sub-module, the design methods can be divided into full-custom and semi-custom two categories. Since raising the level of manufacturing technology, feature size decreases, the various parameters on the circuit parasitic effects also growing in the territory of the design of a growing number of issues to consider.本文来自辣~文'论^文·网
This paper is a comparative analysis of the characteristics of digital converter using Cadence Virtuoso company, use the custom design platform for a method of customized reference voltage circuit ADC layout design,. ADC reference voltage circuit to maintain the use of the cmos technology, Range for 0.5 V, called the Cadence companies to provide standard cmos 90 nm process for using the tools Spectre circuit performance analysis and simulation, and Cadence technology companies to provide the documents to complete the layout, a detailed analysis of the layout design process, the DRC rules are introduced and use of Assura Tools DRC and LVS verification,and simulation test to prove that the layout of the paper fully meet the requirements. In the end, some mistakes of LVS DRC and analyzed.
Key Words:reference voltage circuit  layout design  cmos technology  full-custom  post           layout  simulation.
摘  要
版图设计是决定良率高低的一个重要环节,按设计自动化程度来分,可将版图设计方法分成手工设计和自动设计两大类。按照对布局布线位置的限制和布局模块的限制来分, 则可把设计方法分成全定制和半定制两大类。由于制造工艺水平的提高,特征尺寸的减小,各种寄生参数对电路的影响也越来越大,在版图设计中有越来越多的问题要考虑。
本文首先是分析比较了各种高速模数转化器的特点之后采用Cadence公司的Virtuoso定制设计平台,使用全定制的的方法对一个ADC参考电压电路进行版图设计 第2页,ADC参考电压电路使用了cmos工艺,量程为0.5V,在版图时调用Cadence公司提供的90nm标准cmos工艺库,用Spectre工具对电路进行了性能分析和仿真,并在Cadence公司提供的工艺文件下完成了版图设计,详细的分析了版图设计的过程,介绍了DRC规则和LVS,然后使用Assura工具进行DRC和LVS验证,进行仿真的验证,证明本论文的版图设计完全符合要求。在最后还对一些DRC和LVS错误进行了分析。关键词:参考电压电路 版图设计 cmos 工艺 全定制 后仿真
3  模拟数字转换器(ADC)简介3.1工作原理
图1ADC模拟/数字转换过程可以用图2表示,过程主要有两项,首先要对欲转换的数据进行取样与保存(Sampling and Holding),然后再将汲取到的数据加以量化(Quantization),如此就完成了数据的转换。其中的取样的目的在于将原始模拟数据一一提取,因此取样频率(Sampling grate)越高则讯号越不容易失真,亦即分辨率越高;量化的目的则是在于将取样所获得的数据以0与1的组合予以编码,同样的量化的位数越高则分辨率越高。图2
图3另一方面,为了要提高取样率已经转换的效率,在真实的电路设计上,往往利用多组的取样—保存回路,或是加上不同的比较电路至设计中,目前ADC大致有四类的设计,分别是:回馈型(feedback-type converter),双斜率型(dual-slope converter),并联型(parellel or flash converter),以及电容充电型(charge-redisterbution converter),各类型ADC在转换效能与单位成本方面各有优缺点,例如就转化速度而言以并联ADC速度最快,而以分辨率而言则以双斜率型ADC较高。

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