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Visual Studio+SQL仓库管理系统论文+ER图+流程图+源代码 第2页

更新时间:2010-11-11:  来源:毕业论文
Visual Studio+SQL仓库管理系统论文+ER图+流程图+源代码 第2页
21 century is an informative era. Enterprises which could activate in the international community must dependent on the acquisition of the manufacture and marketing information. This needs advanced enterprise management system---ERP. And warehouse management system is a most important part of ERP. To obtain a place in the inner and international market, the warehouse management system of enterprises must modernize. Namely, the management of warehouse must transmit from primitive handmade stage to convenient computerization. Choosing proper method of warehouse management, not only to boost market, ameliorate the order of production, achieve the end of equilibrium production. It can also decrease the funds of stockings. Ultimately, enterprises obtain better economics benefit by using this software.
This project aim at the virtually demand of a medium and small-scale database management system. The main function of this system is to manage the warehouse. And this design adopts the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 as the integrated development environment, and coupled with the SQL Server, the application could be finished comparatively easily. The fundamental task of this system is to accomplish the systematical, standardization, automation of warehouse materials information.
This paper first introduced the database management system (DBMS) and the basic concept of relations model. The source of the problem and then conduct an in-depth analysis, pointed out that the system administrator, system operator and the general users are the main source of the problem and pointed out that the practical function of the data management system is managing the information of the storage, improving the efficiency, avoiding the drawbacks of the manual data-processing, heavy workload and the high error rate. Following, we did a detail analysis to analysis of needs, especially for the distribution of the three powers of system administrators, system operators and the general users. Then analysis the  system's functional modules, pointing out that the main function of the system is divided into "loading and the main interface" module, "System Management" module, "documentation center" module, "the information management of the basic material" module, "the information management of the storage materials" module, "the information management of the library materials" module," the information management of the surplus materials " module," printing the tables of the reports" module. Overall, the library management system, introduced the system of structural and functional characteristics, principles and methods of use and the functions completed. It has not only beautiful interface, but also the high security and the simply operation, and meet the demand for storehouse management basically. The administrative system is effectual, the high data accuracy during the course of operating, improves working efficiency and realizes computerization for storehouse management at the same time.
The most beneficial of this system is all information of materials and operations could be written into backstage database directly through various functional modules. And the operation is simple and feasible, so the business procedure of the enterprise could run at a reliable and visualized environment.
Key words:Warehouse Management System, Visual Studio.net 2005 and SQL server 2000
第一章  系统需求分析
1.1  问题来源
1.2  现行系统存在问题的分析
1.3  解决方案

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Visual Studio+SQL仓库管理系统论文+ER图+流程图+源代码 第2页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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