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jsp的web进销存管理系统源码+论文+数据库设计 第2页

更新时间:2010-11-30:  来源:毕业论文
jsp的web进销存管理系统源码+论文+数据库设计 第2页
Abstract chiefly accomplishes the stock management to the storehouse,
includes being put in storage, goes out the warehouse and stocks, and staff’s information, six aspects such as supplier's information as well as cryptogram management etc. What the system can accomplish to various kind the information glances over and the function such as inquires about, adds, deletes andmodification etc. The systematic nucleus is is put in storage, stocks and goes out the contact between the warehouse, and when accomplishes being put in storage or going out a warehouse, the system can accomplish voluntarily the modification of stock to other table of influence that the modification of every table all will be linkageed when operating. Inquiring about the function also is one of systematic nucleus, namely having the wallscroll spare to inquire about and inquires about with many conditions in the system, also having accurately 原文请找腾讯752018766辣"文-论'文.网http://www.751com.cn n query of trends formations, his purpose all is using for convenient user. The system has completeuser to add, deletes and the cipher modification function, and has the reportform and prints the function. The SQL 2000 that the system comes the design data warehouse, and use before one Sun Microsystems development tool JSP, it has the most nimble data base structure, and the application has the good support to the data warehouses. The development background of this the subject, course of function and the development that will be accomplished were chiefly introduced to thesis. The emphatic explanation focal point of systems design, design thought and difficult point technology and settlement scheme. The keyword: the data base, SQL's language.  【Key words】The purchase,sell and storage management system   ; data-base  ;  system design
1.3 开发环境介绍
本系统即采用基于B/S模式的三层体系结构进行设计,第一层采用Microsoft Internet Explorer作为客户端,第二层采用Tomcat作为Web服务器,采用JSP开发Web应用程序,第三层采用SQL Sever 2000作为数据库服务器。
第 2章 系统分析与设计2.1 需求分析

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