% --- Executes during object deletion, before destroying properties.
function figure1_DeleteFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to figure1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton8.
function pushbutton8_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton8 (see GCBO)
global im_1;
global hResult1;
global filename1;
global yh;
global N;
global M;
global ll_lev3;
global h;
global L;
global fenjieshishu;
global yuzhishishu;
I1 = imread('E:\论文程序\红外技术探测隐蔽目标或森林火模拟\5月12号不同深度探测数据\HY681011.JPG');
% 大概一个小时后成像数据
I3 = imread('E:\论文程序\红外技术探测隐蔽目标或森林火模拟\5月12号不同深度探测数据\HY681025.JPG');
I1_1 = imread('E:\论文程序\红外技术探测隐蔽目标或森林火模拟\5月12号不同深度探测数据\HY681011温度示意.JPG');
% I2_1 = imread('HY681018温度示意.JPG');
I3_1 = imread('E:\论文程序\红外技术探测隐蔽目标或森林火模拟\5月12号不同深度探测数据\HY681025温度示意.JPG');
I1_2 = rgb2gray(I1);原文请找腾讯752018766辣,文-论'文.网http://www.751com.cn
% I2_2 = rgb2gray(I2);
I3_2 = rgb2gray(I3);
subplot(221),imshow(I1,[]);title('实验开始成像数据','FontName','隶书','FontSize',14,'color',[0 0 1]);
subplot(222),imshow(I1_1,[]);title('平均温度20.77,17.23,15.68,16.37','FontName','隶书','FontSize',14,'color',[0 0 1])
subplot(223),imshow(I3,[]);title('大概一个小时后成像数据','FontName','隶书','FontSize',14,'color',[0 0 1]);
subplot(224),imshow(I3_1,[]);title('平均温度17.07,15.86,15.41,16.28','FontName','隶书','FontSize',14,'color',[0 0 1])
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)