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更新时间:2011-3-26:  来源:毕业论文

通过分析现状和需求, 结合当前网络技术发展水平, 初步决定以光纤千兆网技术实现网络主干线。这是当前应用最广泛、性价比最高、最成熟之干线网,是一个符合OSI的标准化网络。网络10/100M入户,住户独享10/100M带宽。10/100M的带宽能够满足住户所有的需求了,包括视频点播、IP电话等。
【关键词】智能化住宅小区  宽带多媒体  小区网络系统  光纤千兆网     OSI标准化网络
With the development of society, the improvement of the living standard,more and more families get information from the internet or in intranet. Intelligent as a modern residential district to the community to provide the majority of household broadband multimedia integrated information services, Intelligent Residential is an important reflection of the development of the information society is an objective need.
Intelligent Residential Quarter Quarter communication network is within integrated information services, district and outside WAN connectivity, Intelligent Community of the physical property management platform. Construction Area Network communications platform, to consider providing integrated information network and information services, advanced network, scalability, cost-effectiveness and developers (users) of the investment costs affordability . Future communication, information processing and automation, and other types of business will continue to increase, Intelligent Building of the degree of automation and intelligent level are bound to continue to improve .
Area Network system in the whole Intelligent Community System, is at the core. Area property management center to the Intelligent Community of various subsystems of surveillance, control, inquiries and neighborhood fees, notification, Area residents e-commerce, Internet and so on have to roam through the network system is to be achieved. Area Network system can be compared to the Intelligent Community brain.
Through the analysis of the current situation and needs, with the current level of development of network technology, preliminary decision to fiber Gigabit Ethernet network technology to achieve the main trunk line. This is the most widespread, cost-effective and most mature line is a line with the OSI network. Network 10/100M households and households unique100 10/100M bandwidth. 10/100M bandwidth to meet the needs of all tenants, including video-on-demand, IP telephone. 原文请找腾讯752018766辣;文-论'文|网http://www.751com.cn/
【Key words】Intelligent Residential Quarters   Broadband Multimedia    Network System Area    Network Fiber Gigabit  Network OSI standardization
目  录
前言 5
第一章 宽带网络 6
第一节 网络分类 6
一、 按网络的地理位置分类 6
二、 按网络的拓扑结构分类 6
第二节 计算机网络的分层服务标准体系(OSI) 8
第三节  网络间连接设备 11
一、中继器(Repeater) 12
二、网桥(Bridge) 13
三、路由器(Router) 13
四、网关(Gateway) 15
五、集线器(HUB) 16
辣、交换机(Switch) 18
第四节 宽带接入网的比较 19
一、ADSL接入技术 19
二、 Cable Modem接入技术 19
三、 LAN接入技术 20
第二章  网络方案设计 21
第一节 宽带接入方案概述 21
第二节 网络设计重点考虑的问题 22
一、安全问题 23
二、 组播实现 24
三、 认证与计费 25
四、 网络管理 25
五、 系统IP地址分配 26
辣、 方案特点 27
第三节 针对不同密度的用户网络设计描述 27
一、低密度社区网络结构设计 28
二、高密度社区网络结构设计 28
第三章 结束语 30
参考文献: 31
附录 32
英文原文资料 32
中文翻译 37,1723

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