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基于Unity3d的Virtual Reality互动应用面试培训系统

更新时间:2011-10-26:  来源:毕业论文

The Virtual Reality-based interactive applications unity3d ABSTRACT
With digital information technology, rapid development of virtual reality into the virtual objects in real life scenarios, so as to enhance the authenticity of learning materials and learning content presentation interactive.
    In the current training system, in computer applications, or mainly for the graphic and text, video, etc. 2D vector, real objects can be avoided only through pictures, video and other data of the mark caused by distortion of the learning process, expanding the information technology today, people look more attractive and better meet the needs of the training will be a successful process, and 3D virtual reality application technology just to achieve the technical requirements, the use of 3D technology enables the use of virtual reality construct learners immersed in the virtual learning space in which to enhance the learner teaching environment itself and the real contact of. 
The subject of the interview training system designed specifically for Zhuhai, Beijing Institute of Technology Institute of the graduates graduating design, through a virtual interactive training methods, making the entire training process more deeply interesting, for the majority of the Beijing Institute of Technology Graduate School of Zhuhai The students lay a good foundation for employment interviews. 原文请+QQ324,9114辣'文^论"文'网
Unity3D is a game development tools and allows developers to concentrate on the game to bring the creativity. Edit, test, demo. Around Unity, never just click once to test out the latest idea. It also allows developers to dig until the perfect happiness and then modify to complete. Unity3 brought a large shadow blocking the light texture and function where removed from the table - and the main part is making the game look better, run more smoothly. Can instantly switch the target platform, so developers can use the phone, Web, PC / MAC and mobile interactive platform, a simple resource to develop. Unity with hundreds of color effects, including the most simple (diffusion, smooth, etc.) to very advanced (from the light-emitting high light map, etc.)
Keywords: Virtual Reality Interactive 3D
目  录毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
摘  要 I
1  引言 1
1.1  unity3d的介绍 1
1.2  本课题的研究背景 5
1.3  本课题的研究意义 6
1.4  国内外研究现状 6
1.5  当前主要技术 6
1.6  开发工具 8
2  可行性分析 9
2.1  技术可行性 9
2.2  经济可行性 9
2.3  操作可行性 9
3  总体设计 10
3.1  结构设计 10
3.2  系统分层结构 10
3.3  系统功能划分 10
4  详细设计 12
4.1  框架流程 12
4.2  开始程序 13
4.3  登陆界面 14
4.4  换装系统 15
4.5  面试场景 16
5  功能实现 17
5.1  登陆界面GUI 17
5.2  换装系统 18
5.3  面试场景 20
5.4  3DSmax导出到Unity3D 29
5.5  人物骨骼绑定与使用 30
5.6  Unity3D的shader应用 32
5.6.1  Unity3D的Image effects应用 32
5.6.2  Unity3D的CubeMap Shader应用 34
总  结 35
参考文献 36
谢  辞 37
1  引言

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