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更新时间:2011-10-30:  来源:毕业论文

Driver Fatigue Early Warning System Based On OpenCV ABSTRACT
Now, with our continuous improvement of  living standards of people, cars have entered the household, become an important daily travel transport, traffic accidents also increase. Important cause frequent traffic accidents due to driver fatigue driving.Therefore, for fatigue driving has been a significant scientific value and design significance.
Design of system is the use of open source video OpenCV image processing library, the use of video cameras capture images of the input image preprocessing (image graying, median filter, etc.); constructed by learning the training class based on Haar features cascade classifier, using features of class-based Haar classifier cascade of images directly from the input locate the eye; to the human eye out of part of the image capture, binary eye images; and then calculate the binary image in the vertical directionThe width of the size of the pupil, in order to determine the state of eyes;Finally, many of the capture, calculation of the frequency of close to draw the eye fatigue state.
Key words:Fatigue driving  OpenCV  Haar classifier cascade class  Image Processing  Eye location
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1 前言 1原文请+QQ32,49114辣.文'论,文'网
1.1选题背景 1
1.2驾驶人疲劳状态监测方法分析 1
1.2.1基于驾驶人生理信号的检测方法 1
1.2.2基于驾驶人生理反应特征的检测方法 2
1.2.3基于驾驶人操作行为的检测方法 2
1.2.4基于车辆状态信息的检测方法 2
1.3选题目标 3
1.4需求分析 3
1.4.1用户需求分析 3
1.4.2功能需求分析 3
1.5本章小结 4
2 OpenCV介绍 5
2.1 OpenCV背景介绍 5
2.2 OpenCV应用领域及特点 5
2.3 OpenCV在Visual Studio 2005下安装与配置 5
2.3.1 OpenCV的安装 5
2.3.2 Visual Studio 2005的安装 8
2.4 本章小结 11
3 系统方案 12
3.1系统总体方案 12
3.2系统主要功能 13
3.3系统实现原理 14
3.4本章小结 14
4 算法分析 15
4.1 AdaBoost算法描述 15
4.2 眼睛定位算法 16
4.3 基于Haar特征分类器训练生成XML步骤 17
4.3.1 采集样本 17
4.3.2创立样本VEC文件 18
4.3.3训练生成XML 19
4.4 本章小结 20
5 详细设计 21
5.1程序流程图 21
5.2 软件设计 22
5.2.1 获取图像 22
5.2.2 眼睛定位 22
5.2.3 计算眼睛的高度 23
5.2.4报警模块 24
5.2.5 GUI设计 24
5.3 本章小结 25
6 系统测试 26
6.1人脸定位及眼睛定位测试 26
6.2系统测试结果 27
6.3本章小结 29
7 论文总结 30
参考文献 31
附  录 32
谢  辞 34,2120

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