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更新时间:2011-10-31:  来源:毕业论文

Customer relationship management (CRM) of design and implementation Abstract
With the deepening of market economy, enterprise management gradually from a "product-centric" to "customer-centric" transformation to "focus on cost control" to "focus on improving customer satisfaction," the transformation of the enterprise customer, the most important resource. How to constantly improve customer relationships, have more customer information and improve customer satisfaction; how in the increasingly fierce competition in the market the opportunities to occupy more market share as the current business manager of the center layers.
Customer relationship management, referred to as CRM, is a comprehensive management and technical methods. It takes full advantage of information technology has brought the revolutionary impact of the enterprise's human resources, business processes and expertise for effective integration, to meet customer demand as the core goal of allowing companies to lower costs, more efficient meet customer demand, and thus to obtain long-term customer relationships from the interaction proceeds.
System using ASP.NET 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database-based B / S Construction of three-tier architecture, users do not need to install any specific application, you can use anytime, anywhere through the network logon. Customer relationship management system is the size of the war in the modern business tool indispensable. It will be distributed within the enterprise customer information is centralized, so that business-to-own customers have a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the business staff to improve efficiency and reduce response time to customer needs, enhance communication with customers.
Keywords: CRM C# B/S ASP.NET
目  录毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
摘  要 I
1  绪论 1
1.1系统研究的现状 1
1.2系统研究的意义 1
1.3系统实现的目的 2
2  可行性分析 3
2.1技术可行性 3
2.2经济可行性 3
2.3操作可行性 3
2.4管理可行性 3
2.5 开发工具 3
2.6 B/S结构的研究 4
2.6.1 B/S结构的优势 5
2.6.2 B/S结构的劣势 5
2.7 MVC模式 6
3  需求分析 8
3.1市场需求分析 8
3.2系统需求分析 8
3.2.1功能需求 8
3.2.2性能需求 10
3.3核心业务流程图 10
3.4用例分析 12
3.4.1用例列表 12
3.4.2用例图 13
3.4.3用例描述 16
4  总体设计 22
4.1 系统结构设计 22
4.2系统权限划分 22
4.3数据库设计 24
4.3.1数据表 24
4.3.2视图 25
4.3.3储存过程 27
5  系统设计 31
5.1系统架构 31
5.2类设计 31
5.3功能模块设计 32
5.3.1登录管理 32
5.3.2客户管理 32
5.3.3供应商管理 34
5.3.4用户管理 34
5.3.5员工管理 35
5.3.6业务管理 36
5.3.7系统管理 36
5.4系统安全相关 37
6  设计的实现 38
6.1界面设计实现 38
6.2功能模块实现 39
6.2.1登录管理 39
6.2.2账号管理 39
6.2.3系统管理 40
6.2.4员工管理 41
6.2.5分析功能 41
6.3测试计划 42
6.4测试步骤 43
6.5测试用例 44
6.6系统的优化 45
7  运行与文护 47
7.1运行所需的环境 47
7.2实施相关 47
7.3日常文护 47
总  结 48
参考文献 49
谢  辞 50,2121

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