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现金流量的公司价值分析+开题报告+任务书 第2页

更新时间:2012-3-26:  来源:毕业论文
ABSTRACT After maximization of profit,earnings per share(EPS) and shareholder wealth, people have generally accepted that the corparate value maximization is the main corporate objectives assumption.It is one of the core concepts of the modern financial economics.Corporate value conception was early noted in foreign country at 1950s, and has carried out extensively in the past few years.The theory of corporation value analysis has developed maturely and widely and used practically in the united states and other western countries.But in China it has not reached a consensus.In the value research, we must fully realize that only cash flow can promote the enterprise value, especially obviously in the modern market situation. The thoery of discouted of free cash flow has formed much theoretical and practical applications but in china it was comparatively little.So the research of its application and implementation is very valuable.
Key words: Enterprise Value  Free Cash Flow  Discounted Present Value

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