摘 要增值税是以从事销售货物或者加工、修理修配劳务以及从事进口货物的单位和个人所取得的增值额为课税对象征收的一种税。增值税既能有效地保证政府财政收入,又具有税收中性的特征,越来越为世界各国普遍采用。虽然增值税是价外税,但由于税负转嫁的不完全性等因素,出于企业合法利益最大化的目的,其税务筹划具有必要性和可行性。增值税的税收筹划也具有重要的意义。增值税的税收筹划有利于企业经济行为有效率的选择,增强企业竞争能力,也有利于实现国家税法的立法意图,充分发挥税收杠杆作用,增加国家收入。但是我国在增值税税收筹划方面也存在着很多问题。鉴于我国存在对增值税税收筹划在概念上认识不足,组织机构不健全,筹划人员素质不高,筹划的范围比较窄,法律制度不健全,执法力度不够等一系列问题,本文针对这些问题提出了具体的建议。
关键词:增值税 税收筹划 筹划方法
ABSTRACT VAT is one of the taxes which engaged in the sale of goods or the processing, repairs and replacement services, and engaged in the import of goods made by units and individuals for the value-added tax levied on a tax target. VAT can effectively guarantee the government revenue, but also has the characteristics of a tax neutral.VAT is used by more and more countries in the world-wide. Although the VAT tax is the price of things, but because of the incomplete transfer tax and other factors, for the purpose of maximizing the legitimate interests of enterprises, the tax planning is necessary and feasible. VAT tax planning is also of great significance. VAT tax planning is conducive to efficient economic behavior of enterprises select, enhance competitiveness, but also conducive to the achievement of national tax laws of the legislative intent, the full use of tax leverage to increase the national income. However, the VAT tax planning aspects of our country there are many problems. In view of our value-added tax planning in the presence of inadequate understanding of the concept, organization is not perfect, planning staff is not high quality, relatively narrow scope of planning, the legal system is not perfect, not enough law enforcement and other issues, this paper put forward these specific recommendations.
Key words: Value-added tax; Tax planning; Tax planning methods 2387
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