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投资风险危机管理外文参考文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2012-5-9:  来源:毕业论文
 These 5 themes formed the following information about crises and crisis management. Crisis management is a relatively new and multidisciplinary field of study. As it is still in its infancy efforts across all disciplines have not been synthesized. In such there is currently no structure within crisis management literature for taxonomy.
  As an emerging field efforts have been made to define crisis and its management. Various fields view "crisis" differently: Each field has established a "working definition" of industrial, organizational crisis and or effective crisis management. Further, the terms crisis, disaster, risk, etc. are not interchangeable. Crises have been shown as complex, tightly coupled events that are strategic in nature. Organizations hold to a belief that they are vulnerable to crises, as crises are inevitable, and human-caused crises have increased in frequency.本文来自辣.文~论^文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114
  In an effort to understand crises, the crisis management process has been modeled, to aid in their systematic and holistic analysis. Themes within crisis management literature show types of crises with certain characteristics, and reveal relationships between crisis and organizational variables. Additionally, crises are dynamic, can result in a chain reaction or ripple effect, have stages or phases, and can be caused by different factors.
Through case study analysis and anecdotal evidence, several keys to successful crisis management have been identified. A key lies in being proactive and having a crisis management plan. A cardinal rule for crisis management is that no crisis occurs exactly as predicted. Organizations must plan and be prepared for the unexpected. They must be able to answer "what if" questions. Crises give off warning signs and signal detection is important. Crises cannot be addressed by a checklist, but can be handled by following certain steps as outlined by a framework or model, and successful crisis management requires central management. Commitment in a crisis is good (generates meaning) and bad (blind spots): It's important to ensure the organization is continually solving the correct problem. Organizational culture and an appropriate mindset are important to successful crisis management. This can be done through organizational learning, which is important to successful crisis management. Organizational denial is a key barrier for organizations to overcome in order to effectively manage crises. Crisis communications are important, specifically to stakeholders on all levels, as stakeholders can have an affect in organizational success in crises. Lastly, the human, or socio-, element within a crisis results in crises having an emotional effect that must be weighed, considered, and appropriately addressed
Conclusions from Literature Review  正大饲料业务员实习总结
  Review of various works within the field of crisis management provided an appreciation for the extent of crisis management literature available. Key definitions and a comparison of “crisis” were provided in order to demonstrate the lack of consensus among disciplines and within the field. Additionally, assessments of two previous attempts at crisis management literature taxonomy were provided. This revealed that throughout the readings different authors focused on different research themes within the crisis management literature; however, regardless of the fields of study, seminal authors shared several commonalities. The final section in this chapter synthesizes and captures the works provided by the seminal authors in crisis management literature in order to provide partial answers to research goals three and four. First, key terms frequently used within the field are defined and a separate look at comparing “crisis” across disciplines is provided. A listing of research identified seminal authors and influential works will also be outlined. Finally, the commonalities across all reviewed works have been synthesized and are presented.
  The practice of crisis management involves attempts to eliminate technological failure as well as the development of formal communication systems to avoid or to manage crisis situations (Barton, 2001), and is a discipline within the broader context of management. Crisis management consists of skills and techniques required to assess, understand, and cope with any serious situation, especially from the moment it first occurs to the point that recovery procedures start.

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