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C#+sqlserver办公自动化系统的分析与设计+ 需求分析+数据流程图

更新时间:2014-5-23:  来源:毕业论文
如此,本论文将详细论述办公自动化系统的分析与设计过程。系统采用visual studio2005作为开发平台,ASP.NET与C#作为开发语言,以SQL Server2005作为数据库,实现了日程管理、文档管理、消息传递等功能。符合办公自动化系统的要求,能够帮助企业切实提高工作效率。本文来自辣.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯32.49114
论文组织如下:单片机车载水电解器控制系统设计+C语言程序+电路图+流程图  第一章阐述了系统的计划;第二章进行了系统的需求分析;第三章对系统的需求进行了详细分析;第四章提出了具体的系统设计方案;第五章对整个系统进行了具体的实施;第辣章进行了系统的测试;最后得出结论。
关键字:ASP.NET;C#;SQL Server2005;B/S架构;办公自动化
With the rapid development of information technology and office automation systems in both technology and applications to provide a higher level of development, people gradually realized on the use of office management system daily office work to be more convenient, fast and efficient. Highlight of the importance of office activities, but also aroused widespread attention from enterprise management, they increasingly felt no management is their information technology support, as a result of office automation system came into being. For a long time, people on the traditional office centered on paper files used. This has not only spent a great deal of manpower, material and financial resources and low efficiency, timeliness, and error - prone and is detrimental to the enterprise long - term, stable and efficient development. however, the application of new type of office automation system from very complicated and disorder, the low - order and low - end free to engage in core business, the overall increase enterprise efficiency and to act on information control, standardize and improve the existing very good enterprise management, reduce the costs of office, improve the execution, management, and enterprise competitive.
So, this paper will elaborate on Office Automation System analysis and design process. System Using Visual studio2005 as a development platform, ASP.NET and C# as a development language, SQL Server2005 as the database, implementation schedule management, document management, messaging, and other functions. Meet the requirements of the office automation system can help enterprises improve efficiency.
Paper organization is as follows: first on system planning; second for system requirement analysis; third made a detailed analysis of the demand for system; fourth put forward specific system design; fifth for the whole system specific implementation; sixth test of the system; and finally come to a conclusion.
Keyword:ASP.NET;C#;SQL Server2005;B/S Framework;Office Automation

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