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单片机半导体激光器驱动与控制电路设计+原理图设计+PCB图 第2页

更新时间:2014-11-16:  来源:毕业论文
The system of laser driver and controller

    At present, semiconductor laser,relies on its high conversion efficiency, small volume, light quality, high reliability and on being directly modulated and integrated with other semiconductor devices, has developed rapidly. And it has been widely used in communication, optical data storage, solid laser pumps, material processing precision measurement, biological and medical treatment, etc. This design requires a circuit system designed to complete the driver and control of laser, temperature control, and finally achieve the stability of output power to laser light, and can adjust powers that ranged from zero to eight watt. The design of the hardware is to control the power supply of laser by the Single Chip Micyoco check and monitor the module of measuring temperature, and by the module of Single Chip Micyoco control man-machine interactive interface. And the software involves AD, DA hardware control, including the drives of nixietube, keystokes and so on. To guarantee the response power input are stable and rapid, for instance, the control of laser power supply, the collection of software power and comparing with the input power(Stabilify power with PID algorithm).
This paper includes the test datas of power, TEC temperature module and optical maser power, and the elementary diagram, PCB appendix.小学语文教师语言的规范性
Key words:Semiconductor lasers   SCM   TEC   PID
1    引言
 随着半导体激光技术的日趋成熟和应用领域的不断扩展,大功率半导体激光器的应用范围已经覆盖了光电子学的诸多领域,成为当今光电子实用器件的核心技术。由于大功率半导体激光器具有体积小、质量轻、寿命长等优点,广泛应用于民用生产和军事等领域。近年来,国外大功率半导体激光器的研究进展非常迅速,单条最大连续输出功率已经大于600W,最高电光转换效率高达72%,单条 40-120W已经商品化。相对而言,国内在大功率半导体激光器研究和应用方面虽然起步较晚,但也取得了很大的进展。国内大功率半导体激光器研究及应用情况主要从大功率半导体激光器外延片结构、腔面光学膜、器件封装、器件可靠性、光束整形与耦合以及器件应用等几个方面。本文来自$辣.文!论-文·网原文请找腾讯^324.9114

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