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上市公司盈余管理论文+案例手段+动机对策 第2页

更新时间:2015-11-10:  来源:毕业论文

关键词  上市公司  盈余管理  会计准则 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title    Discussion about Earnings Management Issues of Listed Companies in China                                      
As a hot issue about financial reveals,earnings management has been paid attention to by western accountants since 1980s.In China,with the emerging of Co., LTD and increasingly serious phenomenon of Accounting information distortion,earnings management has drawn people's attention day by day.As a result of closing relationship between earnings management and accounting information,investors,creditors and administrators are paying more attention to the exploration of earnings management in listed companies.MSP430F247T单片机无线滴液监测系统设计
Based on explaining the definition and characters of earnings management,the paper summerized the main motivation of Chinese listed companies about earnings management.Meanwhile,it analyzed the possible measures and approches Chinese listed companies may use by combining certain background of Chinese listed companies.Finally,it put up with some strategies to standard the behavior of our listed companies.

Keywords  Listed Company  Earninggs Management  Accounting Standard

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