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更新时间:2016-8-26:  来源:毕业论文


关键词:油墨专用碳酸钙、制备、颗粒大小本文来自辣,文'论#文^网,毕业论文 www.751com.cn

Development of calcium carbonate for ink
Abstract: Special ink in the ink industry are calcium carbonate fillers pigment, with higher usage, ink products for various uses calcium carbonate requirements are different. Are currently used calcium carbonate lime ink dedicated to produce carbonization, carbonization process due to simultaneous dissolution of calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate formation reaction, the reaction process is complex, if the concentration is properly controlled so that the resulting calcium carbonate package will cover on the surface of calcium hydroxide particles, causing calcium carbonate nucleation time and growth of calcium carbonate particles of cross-cutting time, lead to the generation of calcium carbonate particle sizes, particle size distribution width. This issue attempts with liquid - liquid phase reactions were prepared by a special ink uniform particle size calcium carbonate.

Keyword: calcium carbonate for ink; Preparation; Particle size2871

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