关键词: 纤文素酶;菌种筛选;产酶工艺
Cellulase strain screening and fermentation conditions of Research
Abstract:This paper through the separation of cellulose in soil fungal culture screening and rescreening find experimental strain observation, and measurements of the transparent circle, and then through the liquid culture proliferation, and then through the change of nitrogen source, carbon source, pH value and temperature of the single factor analysis method to study the optimum conditions for enzyme production.This experiment by changing enzyme production process are compared, so as to determine the optimal process parameters: the optimum temperature of 37℃; the optimal pH value is 5; the best carbon and nitrogen source for glucose and peptone.
Key word:cellulase ;screening of strains producing; enzyme production process
1 绪论1
1.1 纤文素酶的组成及降解纤文素的机理1
1.2 国内外对纤文素酶的研究现状2
1.3 纤文素酶的用途及研究目的3
1.3.1 食品添加3
1.3.2 畜牧业3
1.3.3 纺织业3
1.3.4 发酵食品工业3
1.3.5 研究目的3
1.4 本实验研究意义4
1.5 纤文素霉的筛选及产酶条件研究的方法5
1.6 本实验研究内容5
2.1 实验材料与仪器6
2.1.1 实验材料6
2.1.2 实验试剂6
2.1.3 实验仪器7
2.2 土壤提取纤文素霉的方法及增殖、筛选、酶活计算7
2.2.1 土壤提取纤文素霉的方法7
2.2.2 培养基配方7
2.2.3 初筛、复筛及条件7
2.2.4 OD值得测定7
2.2.5 酶活性的计算7
2.3 纤文素霉的初筛具体步骤、结果8
2.3.1 工艺流程8
2.3.2 初筛结果8
2.4 培养基的优化及对比9
2.4.1 工艺流程9
2.4.2 培养基的预处理9
3.1 初筛结果分析10
3.1.1 初筛的结果10
3.1.2 初筛分析10
3.2 酶活计算11
3.2.1 不同碳源对产酶的影响11
3.2.2 不同氮源对产酶的影响12
3.2.3 起始 pH 对产酶的影响12
3.2.4 不同温度对酶活的影响13
4.1 纤文素霉筛选的小结14
4.2 纤文素酶的活性测定14
4.3 展望15
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