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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

中学文言文名词作状语现象分析文学论文 摘  要:名词作状语是中学生在学习文言文的过程中较为常见的一种语法现象,而且中学生理解起来具有一定的难度。本文旨在通过对中学文言文中的名词作状语现象从普通名词作状语、时间名词作状语、方位名词作状语这三大类以及他们各自包含的小类,进行分析整理、归纳总结,能够帮助老师们更好地进行文言文教学,给中学生学习文言文提供一些参考与辅助,让中学生可以更好地感受中国语言文化的魅力,深入理解运用文言文,从而学习中国古典文献,继承中国优秀的传统文化。

An Analysis of Classical Chinese Noun as Adverbial in Middle School
Abstract: The noun as adverbial is a more common grammatical phenomenon in the process of learning classical Chinese, and to a certain degree, middle school students have difficulty understanding it. This paper aims to analyze and summarize the phenomenon of nouns as adverbial in classical Chinese, including common nouns as adverbial, time noun as adverbial, direction Nouns as adverbial and their respective subcategories, which can help teachers do better in teaching classical Chinese, provide some reference and support for secondary school students in learning classical Chinese and enable students to feel the charm of Chinese language and culture better, to gain in-depth understanding of the use of classical Chinese, and to inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture.
    Keywords: Noun Adverbial; Secondary Classical; Summarizing
目        录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
前言 1
结语 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3135

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