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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

油膜法估测分子大小实验方法改进的探究 摘  要:物理学是一门以实验为基础的学科,所以实验的准确度非常重要,本文即是针对油膜法估测分子大小实验中存在的一些问题,从器材的选用、制作和实验方法、以及实验前应该做的准备工作等方面,均给予了建议措施及改进方法。利用滴管和自制的撒粉器,采用自由滴的方法,精致绘图的方法,对油膜面积的测量和油滴体积的测量进行了改进实验,以提高实验结果的准确度和实验的成功率。

The Study of the Improvement on the Oil Film Method to  Estimate the Molecular Size

Abstract: Physics is a subject based on the experiments, so the accuracy of the experiment is very important. In view of some of the problems existing in the experiment about using the oil film method to estimate the molecular size, this article gives some suggestions and some advanced methods on the selection of equipments, production, experimental methods, and what should do before the experiment preparation, etc. And in order to improve the accuracy of the experimental results and the success rate, this paper takes fine mapping method and free drop method, using homemade dropper and dusting machine, to improve the oil film area measurement and the oil volume measurements.
Key Words: Oil slick; Molecular size; Oleic acid ethanol solution; Estimate
目    录

摘要: 1
引言 1
1.油膜法估测分子实验的简单介绍 2
1.1实验原理 2
1.2实验仪器 3
2.实验过程: 5
2.1油酸体积测量的改进 5
2.2油膜面积测量的改进 6
3.实验结果 7
4.对比实验 8
5.结束语 9
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3272

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