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更新时间:2016-10-21:  来源:毕业论文

职场真人秀节目《职来职往》存在的问题与对策探析 摘  要: 职场真人秀节目《职来职往》一经推出便受到广泛关注,在电视界引起了收视轰动。但在节目的发展过程中其存在的问题也日渐突出。文章首先对节目的背景、特点、受众及发展现状进行概述,接着着力对节目存在的问题及原因进行分析,认为主要存在的问题是节目设置中娱乐元素的过多注入、面试环节中面试技巧不够成熟及过于注重推广企业和个人。最后在分析原因的基础上从树立正确的价值取向、提升面试官的专业技巧、把招聘实质落到实处等三方面提出解决对策。希望能为这个节目及同类节目的发展提供有益的参考。

Analyzing the Existing Problems and Countermeasures to the TV Reality Show Jobs Come Jobs Go
Abstract: Once launched, Jobs Come Jobs Go receives widespread concern, and in the TV industry, causes sensational audience ratings, but the existing problems increases obviously day by day. The thesis firstly makes overview to the TV program’s background, characters, audiences, and current situations. And then, the thesis analyze the main problems in the programs of over-inputting amusement elements, interview skills are not perfect, and immoderately considering to advertise companies and individuals. Finally, it analyzes the reasons and offer countermeasures, which include building correct value, raising interviewing offers’ skills, implementing the recruitment responsibility, of which the purpose is to offer references for other similar programs’ development.
Key Words: Jobs Come Jobs Go;reality TV show; interview; problems; countermeasures.
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、职场真人秀节目《职来职往》的概述 2
(一)《职来职往》节目的背景 2
(二)《职来职往》节目的特点与受众 2
(三)《职来职往》节目的发展现状 3
二、职场真人秀节目《职来职往》存在的问题 4
(一)节目内容注入过多娱乐元素 4
(二)面试官缺乏专业面试技巧 5
(三)过于注重推广企业和个人 6
三、职场真人秀节目《职来职往》存在问题的原因 6
(一)缺乏正确的价值取向 6
(二)面试官选择不当 7
(三)企业追求广告效应,忽视招聘实质 8
四、针对职场真人秀《职来职往》存在的问题的对策 8
(一)树立正确的价值取向 8
(二)提升面试官的专业技巧 9
(三)落实招聘实质 10
参考文献 12,3431

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