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更新时间:2016-10-23:  来源:毕业论文

数控铣床进给系统设计+CAD图纸 本文主要是设计一套数控铣床进给系统,首先对数控技术的发展作了分析和总结,探讨了数控机床的开放化、智能化、高精度、高速度和网络化的发展趋势;着重分析了单片机数控系统的控制原理,指出了设计数控系统的一般方法和步骤,并数控铣床进给系统的功能以及在机床数控系统中所发挥的作用;设计开发了系统机械结构以及控制系统的I/O接口电路、步进电机驱动电路;通过编写汇编程序,从而实现系统设计要求。开发的这套系统可以作为一套实验室设备,对机床数控化改造、数控技术的教学和研究有深远意义。
关键字: 数控铣床  步进电机  接口电路  汇编程序
In this article, a set of numerical control of milling machine worktable experiment system for teaching based on single chip microprocessor for MCS—51 is designed. First, the CNC system model and characteristics based on microcomputer and status of CNC in China are presented. The development trends about open architecture, intelligence, suppression, high speed and network of CNC are analyzed and explain the function of single chip microprocessor and their calling into play in the CNC, and controlling principle of single chip microprocessor for MCS—51. This article introduces the methods and steps of the digital control system design. Emphasis is given to I/O circuit, stepping motor drive and authorized assembler and carry out the system designing request. The system offer a set of equipment for teaching, and is designed for teaching as a set of experiment or has a great affect to the digital control reform of the machine tool.
KEY WORDS:  Single Chip Microprocessor; Worktable of Milling Machine; Stepping Motor, Interface Circuit, Assembler

摘要 1
目录 3
第一章 前言 3
1.1引言 3
1.2国内外数控技术发展及概述 5
1.3 课题概述与设计目的 7
第二章 数控铣床进给系统总体方案设计 10
2.1总体方案设计的内容 10
2.2总体方案的设计 11
2.2.1设计参数 11
2.2.2初选步进电动机和丝杠 11
2.2.3初定工作台尺寸 12
第三章 数控铣床进给系统机械设计 13
3.1传动系统等效转动惯量计算 13
3.2滚动导轨的设计计算 13
3.3滚珠丝杠传动设计计算及校验 14
3.4导轨的选型和计算 17
3.5驱动电机的选用 17
3.5.1步距角的选择 17
3.5.2步进电机输出转矩的选择 17
3.5.3启动矩频特性校核 19
3.5.4工进运行矩频特性校核 19
3.6 轴承的校核 20
3.7计算机绘制T型横梁结构装配图 21
第四章   结论 22
参考文献 23,3450

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