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单链表的交并差 第3页

更新时间:2007-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

printf("Please input the lenth of the second linktable!  ");
  printf("The lenth of the second linktable is %d,please input %d int data!  ",len2,len2);
  printf("\n\n/-----------------------------fire works---------------------------------/\n");
  printf("The intersection of two linktable:  ");
  printf("/-----------------------------fire works---------------------------------/\n");
  printf("The union set of two linktable:  ");
  printf("/-----------------------------fire works---------------------------------/\n");
  printf("The set of the first-second:  ");
  printf("The set of the second-first:  ");
  printf("/-----------------------------fire works---------------------------------/\n");

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