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VB+SQL Server智能排课系统

更新时间:2008-6-19:  来源:毕业论文
VB+SQL Server智能排课系统


排课问题是所有教育行业都要面对的问题,尤其针对高校纷繁复杂的课程和专业,一直没有很好解决方法。但这又是每个学校在每个学期都会碰到的必修课。本文在相关理论的指导下,在分析以往一些排课软件的基础上,提出一种排课系统的设计方法,对一些具体的问题给出相应解决方案。希望对于相关部门有所帮助。此系统主要被分为三个部分:界面的设计、排课算法的设计、以及报表的自动生成。纵观全局,我们确定用Visual Basic 语言作为程序设计语言以及运用SQL Server 2000 数据库作为后台的数据库支持。




Course arranging Problem is a problem which working in the development of education is facing. Especially, there is no a good solution for this matter of the college. However, it is also a necessary administration task for every school in every semester. This essay, with the correlative theory’s guidance, on the basis of analyzing some courses-arraying software, proposes a design method of commonly used courses arraying information system in college, and solves some of the certain problems. Hoping it is useful for the relative department. The system consist of three parts: the interface design, the algorithm of Course Timetable system, and printing the tables. On the whole, we decided to use VB computer language to design and SQL Server 2000 Data Base to support.

Key Words: courses arranging; courses arrangement management system; design;  college29

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