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VB+access实验室设备管理系统 第9页

更新时间:2008-6-21:  来源:毕业论文

VB+access实验室设备管理系统 第9页

 Dim a As String     '定义字符串变量

    a = MsgBox("您确实要修改这条数据吗?", vbYesNo)

    If a = vbYes Then


     rs1.Fields("设备编号") = Text1(0).Text: rs1.Fields("设备型号") = Text1(1).Text

     rs1.Fields("使用状态") = Text1(2).Text: rs1.Fields("是否损坏") = Combo1.Text

     rs1.Update     '更新记录集


    End If


   If Text1(0).Text = "" Then

      MsgBox ("请输入设备编号!")

      Exit Sub

   End If

   If Text1(1).Text = "" Then

      MsgBox ("请输入设备型号!")

      Exit Sub

   End If

   If Text1(2).Text = "" Then

      MsgBox ("请输入使用状态!")

      Exit Sub

   End If

   rs1.AddNew   '添加包房信息


   rs1.Fields("设备编号") = Text1(0).Text: rs1.Fields("设备型号") = Text1(1).Text

     rs1.Fields("使用状态") = Text1(2).Text: rs1.Fields("是否损坏") = Combo1.Text

     rs1.Update     '更新记录集


   MsgBox "成功保存!"

 End If

 Frame1.Visible = False     '设置Frame1不可见

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

 Form1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub ComAdd_Click()     '添加

  Frame1.Visible = True     'frame1可见

  Dim dm As Integer     '定义一个整型变量

  txtSQL = "select * from 设备状态信息 order by 设备编号"

  Set rs1 = ESQL(txtSQL)     '执行SQL语句

  If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then     '当记录大于零时

     If Not rs1.EOF Then rs1.MoveLast     '如记录没到头,那么移到最后一条记录

        If rs1.Fields("设备编号") <> "" Then     '假如编号不等于空

        dm = Trim(rs1.Fields("设备编号")) + 1     '赋值给dm变量

        Text1(0).Text = Format(dm, "0000")     '赋值给text1(0).text

     End If

  Else     '否则

     Text1(0).Text = "0001"     'text1(0).text设初值

  End If


      Text1(1).Text = ""

      Text1(2).Text = ""

  Text1(1).SetFocus     'text1(1)获得焦点

End Sub

Private Sub ComModify_Click()     '允许修改数据

  If Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then     '当记录大于零时

     Frame1.Visible = True      'frame1可见



     If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0) <> "" Then Text1(0).Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(i))

     If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1) <> "" Then Text1(1).Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(i))

     If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(2) <> "" Then Text1(2).Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(i))

     If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("是否损坏") <> "" Then Combo1.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("是否损坏"))


     MsgBox "没有要修改的记录,请核对!"

  End If

End Sub

Private Sub ComDelete_Click()     '删除包房信息

 Frame1.Visible = False     'frame1不可见

 On Error Resume Next

 Adodc1.Recordset.Delete     '删除记录

 Adodc1.Refresh     '刷新记录

End Sub

Private Sub ComSave_Click()

txtSQL = "select * from 设备状态信息 where 设备编号='" & Trim(Text1(0).Text) & "'order by 设备编号"

 Set rs1 = ESQL(txtSQL)

 If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then     '当记录大于零时

    Dim a As String     '定义字符串变量

    a = MsgBox("您确实要修改这条数据吗?", vbYesNo)

    If a = vbYes Then

    If Text1(0).Text = "" Then

       MsgBox ("请输入设备编号!")

       Exit Sub

     End If


     rs1.Fields("设备编号") = Text1(0).Text: rs1.Fields("设备型号") = Text1(1).Text

     rs1.Fields("使用状态") = Text1(2).Text:  rs1.Fields("是否损坏") = Combo1.Text

     rs1.Update     '更新记录集


    End If


   If Text1(0).Text = "" Then

      MsgBox ("请输入设备编号!")

      Exit Sub

   End If

   If Text1(1).Text = "" Then

      MsgBox ("请输入设备型号!")

      Exit Sub

   End If

   If Text1(2).Text = "" Then

      MsgBox ("请输入使用状态!")

      Exit Sub

   End If



   rs1.Fields("设备编号") = Text1(0).Text: rs1.Fields("设备型号") = Text1(1).Text

     rs1.Fields("使用状态") = Text1(2).Text: rs1.Fields("是否损坏") = Combo1.Text

     rs1.Update     '更新记录集


   MsgBox "状态信息已成功保存!"

 End If

 Frame1.Visible = False     '设置Frame1不可见

End Sub

Private Sub Comfind_Click()     '查询

 Select Case Combo4.Text

  Case Is = "like"

    Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from 设备状态信息 where (设备状态信息." & Combo3.Text & " like +'%'+ '" + Text2.Text + "'+'%') order by 设备编号"


  Case Is = "="

    Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from 设备状态信息 where (设备状态信息." & Combo3.Text & " = '" + Text2.Text + "') order by 设备编号"


 End Select

End Sub

Private Sub ComEsc_Click()     '取消操作

  Frame1.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub ComExit_Click()

 Unload Me

 Form1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)

  If Index = 12 Then KeyAscii = valiText(KeyAscii, "0123456789." & Chr(13), True)

End Sub

Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

  If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then ComFind.SetFocus

End Sub


若图片无法显示请联系QQ752018766,本论文免费,转发请注明源于www.751com.cn6.10 查询使用单位信息





Dim i As Integer             '定义整数变量,表示字段编号和数组编号

Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset   '定义数据集对象

Dim txtSQL As String     '定义一个字符串变量

Private Sub Form_Load()


  Combo3.AddItem ("单位名称"): Combo3.AddItem ("设备编号")

  Combo3.ListIndex = 0


  Combo4.AddItem ("like"): Combo4.AddItem ("=")

  Combo4.ListIndex = 0

  Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from 使用单位信息 order by 单位编号"


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

 Form1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(Index As Integer, KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

Select Case Index

    Case Is = Index

    If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn And Index >= 1 And Index < 5 Then Text1(Index + 1).SetFocus  '回车获得焦点

    If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn And Index >= 9 And Index < 12 Then Text1(Index + 1).SetFocus

    If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn And Index = 12 Then ComSave.SetFocus

 End Select

 End Sub

Private Sub ComAdd_Click()     '添加

  Frame1.Visible = True     'frame1可见

  Dim dm As Integer     '定义一个整型变量

  txtSQL = "select * from 使用单位信息 order by 单位编号"

  Set rs1 = ESQL(txtSQL)     '执行SQL语句

  If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then     '当记录大于零时

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VB+access实验室设备管理系统 第9页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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