动画心控制汇编语言 第5页
call box ;draw the big box
mov cx,71
mov dx,21
mov bx,158
again: ;由大到小画方框
mov al,1
mov di,0
call box
call delay
mov al,0
mov di,0
call box
inc cx
inc dx
sub bx,2
cmp cx,94
jnz again
mov di,0 ;draw the 2nd box
mov cx,95
mov dx,45
mov al,1
mov bx,110
call box
mov cx,96
mov dx,46
mov bx,108
mov al,1
mov di,0
call box
call delay
call delay
mov al,0
mov di,0
call box
inc cx
inc dx
sub bx,2
cmp cx,114
jnz again_00
mov cx,115 ;draw the 3rd box
mov dx,65
mov al,1
mov bx,70
call box
mov cx,116
mov dx,66
mov bx,68
mov al,1
mov di,0
call box
call delay
call delay
mov al,0
mov di,0
call box
inc cx
inc dx
sub bx,2
cmp cx,129
jnz again_01
mov di,2
mov al,1 ;draw the small box
mov di,2
mov al,3
mov si,0
mov cx,71
mov dx,21
mov bx,59
call xie_line ;对角线
mov cx,171
mov dx,121
mov bx,59
call xie_line
mov si,1
mov cx,71
mov dx,179
mov bx,59
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