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宾馆客房管理系统ER图.数据流图.功能模块图.流程图 第7页

更新时间:2008-12-10:  来源:毕业论文

If ZSDJ(11).Text <> "" Then Data1.Recordset.Fields("备注") = ZSDJ(11).Text
  Data1.Recordset.Fields("日期") = Date
  Data1.Recordset.Fields("时间") = Time
  Data1.Recordset.Fields("BZ") = Left(Date, 4) & Right(Left(Date, 7), 2) & Right(Date, 2) & Left(Time, 2) & Left(Right(Time, 5), 2)
  Data1.Recordset.Fields("标志") = "1"
  If bh.Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("凭证号码") = bh.Text
  If ZSDJ(0).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("姓名") = ZSDJ(0).Text
  If Combo1.Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("证件名称") = Combo1.Text
  If ZSDJ(1).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("证件号码") = ZSDJ(1).Text
  If ZSDJ(2).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("详细地址") = ZSDJ(2).Text
  If ZSDJ(3).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("出差事由") = ZSDJ(3).Text
  If DBCombo1.Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("房间号") = Val(DBCombo1.Text)
  If ZSDJ(5).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("客房价格") = Val(ZSDJ(5).Text)
  If DTP1.Value <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("住宿日期") = DTP1.Value
  If tim1.Value <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("住宿时间") = tim1.Value
  If ZSDJ(6).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("住宿天数") = ZSDJ(6).Text
  If Combo2.Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("结款方式") = Combo2.Text
  If ZSDJ(8).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("折扣") = ZSDJ(8).Text
  If ZSDJ(7).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("宿费") = ZSDJ(7).Text
  If ZSDJ(9).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("应收宿费") = ZSDJ(9).Text
  If ZSDJ(10).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("预收金额") = Val(ZSDJ(10).Text)
  If DTP2.Value <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("提醒日期") = DTP2.Value
  If tim2.Value <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("提醒时间") = tim2.Value
  If DTP3.Value <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("退宿日期") = DTP3.Value
  If tim3.Value <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("退宿时间") = tim3.Value
  If ZSDJ(11).Text <> "" Then myrs1.Fields("备注") = ZSDJ(11).Text
  myrs1.Fields("日期") = Date
  myrs1.Fields("时间") = Time
  myrs1.Fields("BZ") = Left(Date, 4) & Right(Left(Date, 7), 2) & Right(Date, 2) & Left(Time, 2) & Left(Right(Time, 5), 2)
  myrs1.Fields("标志") = "1"
  Data2.Recordset.FindFirst "房间号 like " + Chr(34) + DBCombo1.Text + Chr(34) + ""
  Data2.Recordset.Fields("房态") = "入住"
  For i = 0 To 6
     ZSDJ(i).Enabled = False
  Next i
  ZSDJ(8).Enabled = False: ZSDJ(10).Enabled = False: ZSDJ(11).Enabled = False
  DBCombo1.Enabled = False: Combo1.Enabled = False
 End If
 Comok.Enabled = False: Comprint.Enabled = True: Comdj.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub comcancel_Click()         '取消操作
 For i = 0 To 11
  ZSDJ(i).Enabled = False
 Next i
 Comprint.Enabled = False: Comok.Enabled = False: DBCombo1.Enabled = False
 Combo1.Enabled = False: Combo2.Enabled = False: DTP2.Enabled = False: DTP3.Enabled = False
 tim2.Enabled = False: tim3.Enabled = False: Comdj.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub comprint_Click()          '打印住宿登记单据
 Printer.Height = 8000: Printer.Width = 8000
 Printer.CurrentX = 1100: Printer.CurrentY = 300
 Printer.FontSize = 12
 Printer.Print "龙海宾馆 (住宿证) "
 Dim A, B, C, D As Integer
 A = 100: B = 500: C = 4800: D = 400
 Printer.FontSize = 10
 Printer.CurrentX = 100 + A
 Printer.CurrentY = B + 200
 Printer.Print Date & " " & Time & "  NO." & bh.Text
 B = B + D
 Printer.Line (A, B + 100)-(C, B + 100)
 Printer.CurrentX = 100 + A
 Printer.CurrentY = B + 200
 Printer.Print "姓名:" & ZSDJ(0).Text
 B = B + D
 Printer.CurrentX = 100 + A
 Printer.CurrentY = B + 200
 Printer.Print "房间号:" & DBCombo1.Text
 B = B + D
 Printer.CurrentX = 100 + A
 Printer.CurrentY = B + 200
 Printer.Print "押金:" & Format(ZSDJ(10).Text, "0.00")
 B = B + D
 Printer.CurrentX = 100 + A
 Printer.CurrentY = B + 200
 Printer.Print Combo2.Text & ":" & ZSDJ(8).Text & "%"
 B = B + D
 Printer.CurrentX = 100 + A
 Printer.CurrentY = B + 200
 Printer.Print "补交日期:    " & DTP2.Value
 B = B + D
 Printer.Line (A, B + 100)-(C, B + 100)
 Printer.CurrentX = 100 + A
 Printer.CurrentY = B + 200
 Printer.Print "操作员: " & czy.Text & "             欢迎光临"
End Sub
Private Sub comend_Click()
 Unload Me
 main.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()     '计算提醒日期及时间
 DTP2.Value = DTP1.Value + Int(Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text1.Text)) / Val(Text7.Text)
 If (Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text1.Text) - Int(Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text1.Text))) / Val(Text7.Text) > 0.5 * Val(Text7.Text) Then
  tim2.Value = #6:00:00 PM#
  tim2.Value = #12:00:00 AM#
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
  If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then Command1.SetFocus
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
 If Text1.Text <> "" And DBCombo1.Text <> "" Then
   Data1.RecordSource = "select * from djb where 凭证号码='" & DBCombo1.Text & "'"
  If Data1.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
   Data1.Recordset.Fields("预收金额") = Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text1.Text)
   Data1.Recordset.Fields("提醒日期") = DTP2.Value
   Data1.Recordset.Fields("提醒时间") = tim2.Value
   Data1.Recordset.Update     '更新数据
   Data3.RecordSource = "select * from djys where 凭证号码='" & DBCombo1.Text & "'"
   Data3.Recordset.Fields("预收金额") = Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text1.Text)
   Data3.Recordset.Fields("提醒日期") = DTP2.Value
   Data3.Recordset.Fields("提醒时间") = tim2.Value
   Data3.Recordset.Update     '更新数据
   Command1.Enabled = False: Command2.Enabled = False: Command4.Enabled = True
   Command5.Enabled = True: Command3.Enabled = True
  MsgBox ("请填写完整的数据,再保存!")
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()                  '取消操作
 DBCombo1.Enabled = False: Command1.Enabled = False: Command2.Enabled = False
 Command4.Enabled = False: Command5.Enabled = True: Command3.Enabled = True
 Text1.Text = "": Text2.Text = "": Text3.Text = "": Text4.Text = "":
 Text5.Text = "": Text6.Text = "": Text7.Text = ""
 DTP1.Value = Date: DTP2.Value = Date: DTP3.Value = Date
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
 Unload Me
 main.Enabled = True     '设置主窗体有效
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()     '打印追加押金单据

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宾馆客房管理系统ER图.数据流图.功能模块图.流程图 第7页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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