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更新时间:2010-4-8:  来源:毕业论文

Continuously obtain the new research result along with the development,calculator realm of the science technique.Calculator is replacing with extend the mental work aspect to develop more and more computer.
    Long time, the school management of the performance of their students are basically on hand, along with the University of enrollment. students all aspects of the management work to teachers and school personnel to form a certain amount of pressure, Some of the schools have to rely on an increase in manpower and resources to student information management. A manual efficient management end the high risk of errors. So Student Information Management System development is a certain significance.
This article introduces the detailed process of exploring a management information system under the environment of visual foxpro, utilizing “Top-Bottom” overall plan and a strategy according to “Bottom-Top” application and exploitation. That is to establish a set of effective scheme for student management by computer, through analyzing disadvantages of student management by human resources. This article emphasizes on three sections. The system analysis section of student management information includes feasible analysis, management function analysis.The system design section mainly focuses on system function design and data base design and data number design. And the system realization section has provided several major function , together with the main windows and programs.
 This economical and pragmatic system has explicit interface, with simple operation.
[Keywords] :
MIS、student management、visual basic application 摘要
 本文介绍了在Visual Basic6.0环境下采用“自上而下地总体规划,自下而上地应用开发”的策略开发一个管理信息系统的过程。创建了一套行之有效的计算机管理学生的方案。文章介绍了学生管理信息系统的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析、业务流程分析等;系统设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计及代码设计;系统实现部分说明了几个主要模块的算法, 本系统界面友好,操作简单,比较实用。
管理信息系统、学生管理、Visual Basic,ACCESS.   
目   录
一、系统概述 1
二、系统及需求分析 1
三、系统的功能简介 1
四、系统开发的目标 2
五、系统设计分析 2
辣、总结 3
七、谢辞 3
八、参考资料 993

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